solved Discussion- Harlows Monkeys Watch the videos on Harlow’s studies of

Discussion- Harlows Monkeys

Watch the videos on Harlow’s studies of attachment.
What did you learn or were surprised to see in his studies.    
Write a response based on your reaction to the video.  What did you  learn or were surprised to see in the videos?  Be sure to explain your  responses.

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Write a short essay describing things parents can do to foster the  emotional and cognitive development of their children.  Your response  should be approximatley 300-400 words. Click the blue submit bar to turn  in your assignment.

reply to 2 Students
Harlow’s studies of attachment served the overall purpose of proving that for normal childhood development love is needed. After watching the videos, I learned about the key components of his studies, as well as the results of these studies. The first video went over the experiment which was done on an orphan monkey who was separated from its mother at birth. In the video it shows the monkey for an attachment with a pad kept in its cage, when the pad is removed for cleaning, the monkey becomes very disturbed and shows a bit of separation anxiety. They compare the brain of the baby monkey to the brain of a human baby and say that it can actually be more advanced than a human, which I found to be very surprising. I guess this makes sense though, as most studies are first conducted on animals, and to be able to accurately compare the responses of these animals they must share similar traits with humans. It is actually very cool to see how quickly an attachment can form and what happens when this attachment is taken away. I found the videos to be very interesting, it is always nice to learn about different studies conducted to help understand the behaviors of humans and the psychological aspect of the human brain.

Based on watching the video I did know that monkeys are very needy but I did not know that they could die of loneliness. It makes sense that they are very needy because they are taken care of from the beginning of their life to the end, even if they are wild because the animals take care of each other and look out for everyone. When the baby monkeys are experimented to see which “mom” they would go to is a very interesting thing. The fact that the monkeys go to the imitated mom that has cloth makes sense because it resembles more of the mom than a wired. I think because they feel safer with being with the imitated mom with the cloth. It makes sense because if you were scared you would rather go to something that seems like it can protect you rather than something that doesn’t. It is very interesting that when the money is taken away from the cloth mom for six months and is reunited it seems to miss it very much. This makes sense also because when a person is let’s say gone for a long time doing whatever and then comes back they miss people that are in their lives a lot. I just find it very interesting that monkeys get so attached to their moms or anything that they look to that may represent being a mom.

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