solved There is more than one way to lead, and there

There is more than one way to lead, and there are multiple leadership styles (Byler, 2016). Leaders play a central part in directing organizations toward their goals (Robbins & Judge, 2018). For this Assignment, you will examine key characteristics of leaders and the relationship among personality, traits, power, politics, and leadership. You also will explore how leaders implement change.ReferencesByler, B. (2016, August 3) The 4 leadership styles, and how to identify yours. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from…Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.To prepare for this Assignment:Visit Personality Club (2019). Do you know your personality type?Choose two living individuals whom you admire for making change that positively impacts society, and consider how their personality type contributed to their fame and their characteristics, traits, or behaviors that you share with these leaders. Also, consider which characteristics might be dominant in effective leaders, how the personality types of these leaders factored into their success, and if their approaches to leadership were charismatic, authentic, or neither.To complete this Assignment:Write a 1- to 2-page paper that addresses the following:After conducting research on the Internet, choose two individuals and provide a brief explanation for your selection.What common characteristics do the individuals you selected share?Are the characteristics of these leaders based upon traits or behaviors? Explain.Which do you personally view as dominant in effective leadership, traits, or behaviors? Explain why.What change did the individuals you selected champion?How did they go about implementing the change?What was their approach to leadership: charismatic, authentic, or neither? Explain.Notes from my discussion post:Upon completion of the Myers-Briggs personality test, I learned I am an ESFP personality type. This personality type fits me to a tee. The personality traits of ESFP are extraverted, observant, feeling, prospecting and assertive. ESFP’s “appreciate having the right tools and are quite ingenious at finding ways to fix and repair things with dexterity. They love variety and are curious and adventurous, enjoying the unexpected.”(Personality Pathways Journal, 2021, para. 3).As a future healthcare leader, I feel my personality type shows the potential to be an excellent leader. “In examining personality traits, researchers have consistently found extraversion to be the most predictive trait of effective leadership.”(Robbins & Judge, 2018, p. 187). I consider myself someone who is comfortable speaking to and working with all types of individuals. I can adapt very well in different situations. I consider these traits to be very accommodating to healthcare leadership.ReferencesPersonality Pathways Journal. (2021).Understanding & using personality type. Personality Pathways. Retrieved August 4, 2021, from, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of organizational behavior(14th ed.). Pearson Education.

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