solved Understand the 4 “D’s” to explain abnormality How was abnormality

Understand the 4 “D’s” to explain abnormality
How was abnormality viewed and treated in the past
The effects of Deinstitutionalization
Thoroughly understand the section on “What do clinical researchers do” (case study, correlation, experimentation)

– Advantages and disadvantages of case study
– Positive vs. negative correlation, magnitude of correlation
– Independent vs. dependent variables
– Random assignment

Understand the various models of abnormality (biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic-existential, sociocultural)
How messages move from neuron to neuron
Neurotransmitters linked to various psychological disorders
Psychodynamic theory
Various types of the Behavioral Model (modeling, classical conditioning, operant conditioning)
How cognitive theorists view psychological disorders
Definition of Diathesis-Stress Model of Abnormality
Definition of Mental Status Exam
Reliability vs. validity
Advantages and disadvantages of projective tests
Advantages and disadvantages of personality inventories
Strengths and weaknesses of intelligence tests
Definition of Naturalistic Observation
Definition of Diagnosis
Definition of Syndrome
Definition of Comorbidity
How and who developed the DSM-5
Difference between ICD and DSM-5
Definition of Evidenced-based Therapies
Definition of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Definition of Reactivity
Definition of Observer Drift
Definition of Self-monitoring

Dear Student,Welcome to my DE Abnormal Psychology class. On D2L you will find the syllabus, power points, videos of the various disorders, and extra credit opportunities.The test dates are posted. The tests are open book essay tests. For each test I will give you about 9 or 10 essay questions and you are to choose 5 of them to answer. Each essay is worth 20 points so each test is 100 points. Because it is open book, I expect answers to be thorough. They arenot short answer tests. More writing is always better. In addition to the book, you can use other sources. If you do use other sources please reference them using APA style (no need to reference if you just use the book). Based on feedback from my other online courses last academic year  I decided to send all 5 tests to you (see attached) so you will have plenty of time to complete the essays. There is a dropbox on D2L and you can submit them when you are finished but no later than the date listed on the dropbox. Because you will have all 5 tests in advance, it will be difficult for me to understand how or why a test could be late. I selected the book because it is very clear with great examples. You will need either the book or the E-version of the book, not both. The videos were also chosen as a way to help you see and understand the disorders. The power points compliment the book. Please use all the materials I posted, it will help your overall grade.  Any extra credit assignment you do requires a 2-3 page reflection paper and you can earn up to .5 points for each assignment that will be added to your final score. So,  if you do 3 extra credit assignments you can earn up to 1.5 additional points which could raise a B+ to an A-. There is a dropbox on D2L for any extra credit you complete. If you have any questions, please email me. Good luck and stay well,Dr. Drago

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