solved Objective/Goal:Analyze the role of magical thinking in human religious behavior,

Objective/Goal:Analyze the role of magical thinking in human religious behavior, distinguishing between religious and nonreligious behavior and between magic and divination.Initial ReplyChoose ONE of the scenarios below to answer the following questions about. Your answers may depend on how you interpret the behavior and the person’s motivations.You need to post:1. How would you classify this behavior?Would you classify this behavior as religious? Why or why not?Would you classify it as magic or divination? Why or why not? If so, which one?Would you classify it as superstitious? Why or why not?2. What other examples of magic or divination from your own culture can you think of? Are there any that you yourself practice? Points to remember:Make sure you are using the class definitions of religion, magic and superstition and remember that these categories overlap and are not mutually exclusive!Keep in mind the emic/etic distinction – what the individual doing the behavior says about it (emic perspective) may be different than what we would say as we are analyzing it (etic perspective). Just because that person may not see it as magic doesn’t mean we can’t classify it as magic. Replies to Peersafter you finish the prompt reply to at least two of your peers. In your replies, ask any questions you have about their scenario and their analysis. Do you agree with them? Why or why not? Be sure to loop back to your own post and answer any questions you have been asked. I will also be posting feedback and questions for you!Scenarios to Choose FromA professional baseball player always does the exact same thing before every game – wakes up at 10:00 am, at 1:00 pm has a turkey sandwich, etc. During the game, he touches the letters on his uniform after every pitch and straightens his cap after every ball.A person carries a good-luck charm in their pocket.A person consults their horoscope in the daily newspaper and plans their day accordingly.A person keeps a photograph of their deceased spouse on the shelf in their living room. On occasion, they talk to the picture.A person with the evil eye is able to cause illness or misfortune simply by looking at or praising someone or something.In the movie Star Wars, Luke Skywalker uses the Force to destroy the Death Star.A person prays to God that they will be safe on an upcoming journey.A group of students use a Ouija board to contact dead spirits.Breaking a mirror will bring you seven years of bad luck.A person spills coffee in their lap and takes it as a sign that it will be a bad day.A student always listens to the same music while studying for exams.A person makes a wish while blowing on a dandelion.An Inuit hunter of the Arctic Coast places fresh water in the mouth of a seal they have just killed to appease the spirit of the seal before it is butchered.The Queen in Snow White uses a special mirror to find out “who is the fairest in the land?”.A rock star throws their sweaty t-shirt into the audience. An excited fan takes it home and frames it.A sports fan always wears the jersey of their favorite player on game day to help their team win.Grading:Expectations for discussions include effort, connection to the material in the modules and textbook, and open engagement in thinking through the issue.

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