solved Research topic – Exploring the Impact of Automation in Health

Research topic – Exploring the Impact of Automation in Health Insurance on the Quality of HealthcareGoal of this paper – Point out too much automation and find the balance between manual and automation tasksScope Health Insurance back office operations – (nothing to do with doctors or nurses or patients that go into hospitals or hospitals. This is all about addressing issues with Health Insurance companies and how they are non-sensitive to their customer needs, what parts in the process can we automate, example claims processing, Call center interaction does there need to a human touch or should we just push customers to machine.)Attaching my current paper that has worked on all 3 sections which is about 170 pages with about 190 plus references for reference or content Clarify before you start to set right expectations.Strongly recommend coming up with an outline before you start writing the paper. The outline helps align the expectations and what should and should not go in the paper.Qualitative Dissertation – APA 7th Edition format & structure Outline for the PaperTitle PageSignature PageAcknowledgmentsAbstractTable of Contents (Word is based on the headings in your document and each heading/title should jump to that section)List of TablesChapter One (Introduction) (45 pages at least of content + 50 references+ Abstract)OverviewBackground and Problem Statement Purpose of the ProjectSignificance of the Project Research QuestionsTheoretical Framework – Dynamic Capability Theory has been used for this paper. You are free to choose more than one theory for this paperLimitations of the Project AssumptionsDefinitionsChapter Two (Review of Literature) (45 pages at least of content + 50 references)Subsections based on a deductive approach SummaryReviewReview approachSystematic literature reviewInclusion criteriaQuality checkMerits of AutomationSources against AutomationChapter Three (Procedures and Methodology) (45 pages at least of content + 50 references)Research Project DesignSampling Procedures and or/ Data Collection Sources (reference Informed Consent and IRB approval placed in Appendices)Couple of pages of theory related to Interviews, Surveys/Questionnaires, Document Analysis, Focus Groups, Observations, Data AnalysisInterviews, Surveys/Questionnaires, Document Analysis, Focus Groups, Observations, Data Analysis (This would be applicable to the research/thesis that I am working on and the formats should be part of the appendices. Focus groups could be users from LinkedIn, Face book.)Let’s talk about at least surveying 100 interviewers and add them into the focus groups into segments and the way the responded to the questions. Also, we should be able to come up with some data analysis based on the feedback of the 100 interviewers.Summary ReferencesAppendicesQuestions for Interviews to the focus groupsQuestions for Surveys/Questionnaires to the focus groupsDocument Analysis of the focus groupObservations of how the focus group respondedData Analysis Chart/pieReferences should be in APA format and should also be submitted additionally in the following format. Finally, when the document is ready for submission please give a high level outline. Reach out to me for any questions before you start or even in the middle for clarification.

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