solved Finally, we reach the last chapter of the book!!! We

Finally, we reach the last chapter of the book!!! We will be examining the “environment”. I have broken it down by terms and we will tie it together with the discussion.Discussion PreparationRead ChapterStudy TermsWatch VideoChapter termsEnvironmental SociologyHuman beings, animals, and plants all depend on one another, as well as on the physical environment, for their survival.Environmental sociology is the scientific study of the interdependencies that exist between humans and their physical environment.A human ecosystem is any system of interdependent parts that involve human beings in interaction with one another and the physical environment.The examination of ecosystems has demonstrated two major things:–The supply of many natural resources is finite.–If one element of an ecosystem is disturbed, the entire system is affected.As the sun’s energy pours onto the Earth, some is reflected from the Earth’s surface to the Earth’s atmosphere—the so-called greenhouse effect.–If the amount of solar energy trapped by carbon dioxide rises, the temperature increases—resulting in global warming.Climate change is the systematic increase in worldwide surface temperatures and the resulting ecological change.–Although some deny that climate change is the result of human behavior, scientists have little doubt that climate change is happening and is largely the result of human activity.Environmental racismis the pattern whereby toxic wastes and other pollutants are disproportionately found in minority and poor neighborhoods.–Wealthier communities are better able to resist dumping in their neighborhoods.–People of color reside disproportionately closer to toxic sources than do whites.Social changeis the alteration of social interactions, institutions, stratification systems, and elements of culture over time.–Societies are in a constant state of flux.–Some changes are rapid, such as the accelerating technological changes (e.g., the use of email, Facebook and Twitter).Microchanges are subtle alterations in the day-to-day interactions between people.–A fad “catching on”Macrochanges are gradual changes that occur on a broad scale and affect many aspects of society.Large or small, fast or slow, social change generally has the following characteristics:–Social change is uneven.–The onset and consequences of social change are often unforeseen.–Social change often creates conflict.–The direction of social change is not random.Cultural diffusion is the transmission of cultural elements from one society or cultural group to another.Technological innovation.Social Movements And Collective Behavior:Social Movement is a group that acts with some continuity and organization to promote or resist social change in societyCollective behavior – behavior that occurs when the usual conventions that guide social behavior are disrupted and people establish new, usually sudden, norms in response to an emerging situation.A revolution is the overthrow of the state or the total transformation of central state institutionsFor this Discussion we will see that all semester we have been touching on Social Change.Watch the videoStay Woke (Links to an external site.)DiscussionDiscuss Social Change within the 3 perspectives. Use the current social movements affecting our society.

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