solved Socio-Emotional Developmental Advice NeededUtilize the major developmental theories you have

Socio-Emotional Developmental Advice NeededUtilize the major developmental theories you have become familiar with from readings and content from Lesson 6. Pretend you are the author of a “Ask a Student” column for a blog on developmental concerns. You can play the expert and give advice grounded in the theory and research from Lesson 6.Choose 5 of the prompts below and write a paragraph or two answering each one. Explain in your answers why this is likely happening and how to best deal with each of the questions/concerns below. Remember, since this is for course credit, using (and citing) information from the textbook chapter and other Lesson 6 readings provided here is necessary. In this assignment you will demonstrate your mastery of course materials and provide depth of scholarship.A recommendation: don’t pick an explanation that requires your adding a lot of information about the individual’s behavior that isn’t included here. What you are given below is enough to use the various information and stages in Lesson 6 to answer the question without having to add lots of details that aren’t given.Dear “Ask a Student”: My three-year old constantly drives me nuts with attention-seeking behaviors while I am working from home. The child just doesn’t understand that I have to do other things sometimes. I need help! Thank you, V. NeedyDear “Ask a Student”: My infant daughter puts everything in her mouth, including the dog’s food. Do you have any ideas why she does this, and if she’ll ever learn not to? Thank you, A. PoDear “Ask a Student”: My eight-year old son is failing math and now feels like everyone is better than him at everything. I am at my wit’s end, can you help me understand why he’s doing this? Thank you, M. DiamondDear “Ask a Student”: My nine-year old daughter is failing P.E. and growing obese; all she cares about is beating her friends at Fortnite. What can I do to get her more active? Thank you, A. BelloDear “Ask a Student”: My sister’s teenager has decided not to attend college in favor of joining the stage crew for a touring rock band. What advice can I give my sister? Thank you, A. GrandDear “Ask a Student”: When I leave my two-year-old at daycare, he doesn’t seem to care when I leave, and he cares even less when I come to pick him up. What is going on here? Please help, Thank you, M. BahnDear “Ask a Student” My three-year-old doesn’t understand that games have rules and just does what he wants. Why can’t he play fair? Thank you. S. BoldDear “Ask a Student” Our two-year-old grand-daughter refuses to wear the clothes we pick for her every morning, making getting dressed a twenty-minute pitched battle. Why is she like this, and what techniques, if any, can we use to stop this behavior? Thank you, P. GrannyDear “Ask a Student”: Our forty-six-year old friend is showing symptoms of the classic “mid-life crisis”: buying a trendy new sports car, flirting dangerously, and alluding to leaving his wife. What advice to you have for us to speak with him? Thank you, G. HowardDear “Ask a Student”: My sixty-eight-year old neighbor is chronically depressed; she feels she has wasted her life. I feel worried, what do you suggest I might do? Thank you, B. LuzPlease use the “More about the Socio-Emotional Developmental Advice Needed” link as well as the APA Checklist specific to this assignment for more support and information!

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