solved In your initial post, describe available tools that can help

In your initial post, describe available tools that can help organizations use financial information to make decisions (for example, comparing financial position and statements of activities).
Which tools would be most useful for your chosen organization, and why? (CHILDRENS HOME OF POUGHKEEPSIE) 
Support your post with sources and cite them according to current APA guidelines. Be sure to critically evaluate the concepts and related literature. Address the pro and con arguments.
Response Guidelines
Read the posts of your peers and respond to at least one. Do the tools the learner suggested seem useful? Why or why not? Suggest other tools that might be useful for decision making in the learner’s organization. As you did in your initial post, use your research to support your claims and be sure to cite your sources according to APA guidelines.
Learning Components
This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Analyze best practices for financial accounting in nonprofit organizations.
Identify key accounting processes used by nonprofit organizations.
Libman, K. J. (2015). Nonprofit funding matters: Revenue diversification – Think like a growing business. Retrieved from…

Optional Readings

Unit 4 Discussion 1
Non-profit’s organization need money to continue to move towards their mission. Financial management is vital to the growth of the organization, financial manager utilized a variety of tools to record accurate data. There are three statements that an organization can utilized to assist with recording data. The first is the,”statement of financial position, the second is the, “statement of activities. Along with the third “statement of cash flows”, Weikart L.A., Chen G.G., & Sermier E.(2012). I like the, cash flow” method paired with the creating a side-by-side comparison. My decision for this method of the cash flow accounting is that it shows the black and white of the transactions. Pair with creating a side-by-side comparison, the audience can easily see both the growth, along with any financial risk, (Weikart L.A., Chen G.G., & Sermier E.(2012). I also think that completing a quarterly financial reporting system can help keep the data on track throughout the fiscal year. Breaking the net classes, up in three categories could potential keep the information clean, as far as separating the difference in revenue. Identifying, unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted, could be easier to view, (Weikart L.A., Chen G.G., & Sermier E.(2012). Keep in mind that the end objective is to undercover tools that are efficient and the effectiveness leads to financial growth of the non-profit. As this relates to Healthy Families,( the quarterly financial reporting system would be best practice, due to the amount of families can fluctuate which impacts the measurement/outcomes. Categorizing the net asset, can then provide the true data. The combination of activities and cash flow statements would be best practice for the agency due to the inconsistency of population. The cash flow statement shows the revenue of what is current, while the activities statement gives the decision makers a view of what needs to be included in the financial plan.

Weikart L.A., Chen G.G., & Sermier E.(2012)

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