solved ABC Health System made an organizational commitment to the EHR

ABC Health System made an organizational commitment to the EHR well before HITECH and Meaningful Use incentives were put in place. The system grew through consolidation first within a city and then the surrounding catchment areas until today it covers half the state. A unified EHR was part of its organizational design from the outset. Senior clinical and administrative leaders understood that information would be one key to achieving clinical and organizational excellence. At the time, interoperability across EHRs was costly to achieve, if it could be achieved at all. As ABC began consolidating independent physician practices through acquisition or affiliation agreements, it made the difficult decision to require physicians to use the standard EHR and other technology solutions. For affiliated practices, data-sharing agreements are in place.Until 3 years ago, each hospital in ABC system had its own HIM department, and the departments worked at achieving greater uniformity by making uniform service and technology decisions such as those for transcription and release of information. The dual goals of greater uniformity and cost control led to consolidation of HIM across the system in 2017. Today the corporate EIM team consists of a vice president of EIM, three senior directors in charge of HIM operations such as release of information, life-cycle records management, clinical coding and revenue cycle, and EHR functions, including an EHR integrity team. In addition the systems privacy officer also reports to the vice president of EIM.The EHR data integrity team is responsible for correcting, amending, retracting and deleting information in the EHR in accordance with policy and to support the integrity of the record. Although it is the responsibility of the providers to take care to enter only correct information into the EHR, when an error is made or detected, there is a standard procedure for correcting, amending, or retracting. The team provides training and advises on the proper application of the procedure. Correction requests are submitted to the team using a Web request or, for an emergent situation, a phone helpline procedure.The EHR integrity team investigates and resolves issues referred the team. As needed, the EHR integrity team may call in IS if there is a contributory software issue, or it may complete an incident report if it is felt that this is something that IS should track. In addition to referrals, the EHR integrity team deploys audit processes to detect errors or missing data and uses this information to explore ways to improve accurate capture through software modifications or through additional training or coaching. This new procedure has been widely recognized as a valuable service. Recently the integrity team has been assigned responsibility for managing corrections, amendments, retractions and deletions of the patient information made available through ABCs patient portal.Utilizing your decision matrix, answer the following questions supporting your reasoning:Data quality is one of the principles of fair information practice. Identify and assess (3) ways in which data quality is an ethical consideration. In your opinion how would you make the case for establishing and EHR integrity unit for ABC Health Systems?Appraise how utilizing the above structure of assigning the responsibilities of correcting, amending, or retracting information could jeopardize the integrity of the record.

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