solved Social inequalities essay on poverty in the U.S. healthcare system.

Social inequalities essay on poverty in the U.S. healthcare system. Page Length: 5 pages, double-spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt in Times New RomanThis essay represents a thorough exploration of a form of social inequality that you are interested toexamine more closely.1. Select a form of inequality that you would like to explore more in-dpeth: i.e. incarceration andrace, sexual harassment, poverty, educational inequalities, health disparities etc.2. Search through academic literature for theoretical approaches and/or empirical studies thataddress this topic. Make sure you narrow down your focus (i.e. one cannot examine “poverty” in fivepages, but you can discuss “poverty and access to health care” or “poverty and environmental racism”or “poverty and residential segregation”).3. Outline your paper as follows with labeled sections I-IV (but not with sub-sections a,b,c, etc.):I. Introduction (1 page)a. Introduce your topici.e. “This essay explores the relationship between educational inequalities and socialclass, as reflected in the differential academic outcomes of various socioeconomicgroups.”b. Provide an overview of the problem.i.e. “The ‘achievement gap’, as it is discussed in the relevant literature reflects thediscrepancy between the test scores, GPA scores, and other achievement measures ofchildren from working- and lower-middle class and upper-middle and upper-class.”c. Conclude with a thesis statement that summarizes your argument.i.e. “Given the apparent injustices entrenched in the broader society, I argue that theeducational system reproduces social inequalities…”II. Discussion (4-5 pages)a. Review the literature that addressed this form of inequality and discuss:i. Its causes (what historical circumstances gave rise to it, how is it perpetuated,which ideologies/traditions/laws/norms justify/rationalize its presence).ii. Its relationship with social institutions (how are the institutions of law, politics,education, family, media, labor market etc. implicated in this process; whichspecific institutional policies and practices produce this inequality.Focus on one or two cases (no need to address each and every institution ofthe above list).iii. Its consequences (who benefits and who suffers from this arrangement,what is the impact on different social groups,This is a literature review, which means you need to draw substantially fromthe articles/book chapters you identified (not use your own opinion).Paraphrase or use direct quotes. Be sure to cite these sources within the text and in your references section at the end of your paper. Make sure youincorporate concepts and terminology that we encountered in our readings or in thearticles you found.III. Conclusion (½ page)a. Summarize what you did in this paper.b. Conclude with your thesis statement (not copied pasted!) that shows how what youexplained above supports its legitimacy.IV. References or Works Cited (1 additional page)a. On a separate page, cite the sources used within your paper, including both academicand non-academic.b. Required Number of References: 5 academic sources. Use 1-2 articles from theassigned readings and 3-4 other academic sources; you can also use additional nonacademic sources if you want (i.e. newspaper articles, white papers etc.).c. Use the ASA style for citations and references. You can find the ASA guide ongauchospace under “Resources”.d. Make sure your references are in alphabetical order.

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