solved TOPIC- The 2020 global pandemic’s impact on organizational culture, structures,

TOPIC- The 2020 global pandemic’s impact on organizational culture, structures, systems, the workplace climate, and organizational action.Research question 1: To what level did the 2020-21 global pandemic force organizations to change their culture to economically survive?Research question 2. To what level did the 2020-21 global pandemic force organizations to change their structures and processes to economically survive?Research question 3. To what level did the 2020-21 global pandemic force organizations to change their employee climate (job satisfaction and morale) in order to economically survive?Required content of research This paper must liberally apply concepts from change management taught in the Change Management Summer 2021 course. The paper must explore the impact and role of the above-mentioned categories in the social, economic, and political sphere of society. Students must select a minimum of three corporations (any sectors) as a focus to address the three research questions. There must be at least 15 evidence-based and credible citations in the paper, presented within the body of the paper and in the References page, compliant with APA style.Marking content and rubric30% Comprehension Content shows a clear understanding of the assignment and what is expected. Content includes relevant theories, models, discussions, and readings/lessons from class. This means that EXAMPLES OF AT LEAST SIX AREAS OF CLASS CONTENT AND APPLIED KNOWLEDGE OF SAME MUST BE IN THE PAPER. Findings and commentary are also answered in a comprehensive fashion (bulleted paragraphs of between 3 to 4 lines are allowed).35% Critical thinking Critical thinking means presenting far more than just a repetition of facts or knowledge. Students must show that they are showing “critical thought” by at times questioning facts and assumptions by using evidence-based counterpoints, questions that logically expose a missing point, and/or showing how one fact or set or events connect to other facts and events. Short, EXAMPLES from your personal or work life that speak to the assignment’s topics are encouraged.20% Formatting / sections APA MANDATORY: 7th Ed. APA is followed and then expanded on within REFERENCES PAGE. TITLE PAGE: Has student name and number, name of assignment, name of instructor, date ofassignment. TABLE OF CONTENTS includes the key content and associated page number (do not put into aseparate bordered box), EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (abstract). Maximum 250 words. This must quickly and succinctly statewhat the assignment is about and the key findings. INTRODUCTION: Provides a concise background to, and the importance of the topic. RESEARCH FINDINGS: All key research findings answering WHAT is going on including anyconnections among findings (not analysis). Table and charts etc. must have a number and title. ANALYSIS & IMPACT: This shows your concise understanding of the importance and applicationof the research findings, WHY results are what they are.10% Grammar and writing Grammar, sentence structure, plus spelling MUST follow standard English rules with very little to no error (up to four minor instances are accepted). Content is clear and precise with no ambiguity. Absence of colloquial or “slang” language. Minimum use of paraphrasing. The best examples are those that “paint a picture in the mind,” in other words the reader can “see” what you are talking about.Length: 3,500 words, not including coverage page, table of contents, and references page.

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