solved Hi, the answer has already been completed :). I just

Hi, the answer has already been completed :). I just would like someone to revise the completed essay that I have attached based on my professor’s feedback, which I have included below along with the assignment instructions so that you know what the assignment was all about. Thank you so much!
Professor’s feedback: Please correct
In paragraphs – not in subheadings – replace the words “Evidence-based practice” with EBP.

Page 6 – Paragraph “how does EBP affect patient outcomes”
Your source information is about “unnecessary costs” but the paragraph is about patient outcomes. It is wrong to use a source about cost, instead it should be a source talking about EPB and better patient outcomes. This paragraph uses a lot of words but gives very little info about EBP and how it affects patient outcomes.
Page 7 – Paragraph “How does EBP Influence Facility Policies?” – is very short and weak. This paragraph should not be talking about costs but instead would be best to talk for example POLICIES that showed when a hospital instituted a bar code scanning policy of medicine & patient wristband before being administration it led to less medication errors. . Maybe there is information that showed a POLICY about a certain way to wash hands that prevented infections.
Page 7 – Paragraph “What is the relationship between EBP & Pateint safety” is very short and lacks information. Most of the paragraph is just filler content and fluff.
This CAN NOT be a cut & pasted together paper. It must be thoughtful, it must make sense, and all sentences should add to the paper and not be just filler content. I say these things because I have seen good and bad papers on Studypool. I can easily tell the difference between a paper with thought put into it, and a paper that was just “pieced” together.
This is for a USA based nursing class. Must use USA English and USA based resources.
Research the concept of “Evidence Based Practice” and why it is important in nursing. Write a 6-7 page APA paper (not including title page and reference page) utilizing a minimum of 3 scholarly sources (medical/nursing journals – USA).
All sources whether paraphrased or directly quoted MUST be cited in text and on the reference page.
No long quotes allowed
1 or less short quotes allowed – the rest the information must be paraphrased and cited.
Definition of paraphrase – express the meaning of (the writer or speaker or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.
MAY not use Wikipedia and any websites.
The content must include the following:
Paper contains a clear introduction, body and conclusion; one idea per paragraph; logical transitions between paragraphs. Ideas are supported with specific and relevant examples.
Explore the concept of Evidence-based practice and write a paper on the topic. State your understanding of the definition of Evidence Based Practice. Identifying why it is important in the nursing profession.
The paper will address the following questions and each question should be a BOLDED subheading in the paper:
What is Evidence-based practice?
Why is EBP part of the nursing profession?
What are the roots/evolution of EBP in nursing?
How is EBP applied to nursing care?
How does EBP affect patient outcomes?
How does EBP affect influence healthcare professions?
How does EBP influence facility policies?
What is the relationship between EBP and continuous quality improvement?
What is the relationship between EBP and Patient Safety?

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