solved Sergeant Tom Gresham was newly promoted and assigned to patrol

Sergeant Tom Gresham was newly promoted and assigned to patrol on the graveyard shift; he knew each officer on his shift, and several were close friends. Gresham was an excellent patrol officer, and prided himself on his reputation and his ability to get along with his peers. He also believed this trait would benefit him as a supervisor. From the beginning, Gresham believed that he could get more work from his officers by relating to them at their level. He made an effort to socialize with them after work and took pride in giving his team the liberty of referring to him by his first name. Gresham also believed that it was a supervisor’s job to not get in the way of good police work. In his view, his team responded magnificently, generating the highest number of arrest and citation statistics in the entire department. Unfortunately, his shift also generated the highest number of citizen complaints for abusive language and improper use of force, but few complaints were sustained by Internal Affairs. It was Gresham’s opinion that complaints are the product of good, aggressive police work. He had quickly developed the reputation among subordinates of being “a cop’s cop.” One Monday morning, Gresham is surprised when called in to see you, his patrol captain. The Internal Affairs lieutenant is also present. You show Gresham a number of use-of-force complaints against his team over the past week, while Gresham was on vacation. Despite your efforts to describe the gravity of the situation, Gresham fails to grasp the seriousness of the complaints and how his supervisory style may have contributed to them.
Questions for Discussion

What do you believe are some of Sergeant Gresham’s problems as a new supervisor?
As his captain, what advice would you give Gresham?
What corrective action must Gresham take immediately with his team of officers?
Your discussion post must be at least 100-200 words of substance which includes at least two references to the readings, and your replies to other students must be at least 50-100 words (not counting sentences like, “Great post!”)

I believe Sergeant Gresham’s has many issues as a new supervisor, such as how he believes “complaints are the product of good, aggressive behavior”. Although complaints can be a result of good police work, in this scenario I believe the complaints of Sergeant Gresham’s shift are a result of hostile behavior. Another issue Sergeant Gresham has a a new supervisor would be how he “believed that it was a supervisor’s job not to get in the way of good police work”. As a sergeant, it is one’s responsibility to ensure police work is being conducted and performed in the proper manner.
As Sergeant Gresham’s captain, I would advise him to clearly think and understand the complaints received against his team while he was on a vacation. Sergeant Gresham needs to be advised to evaluate each complaint, an evaluate if the officer who received a complaint violated police conduct.
The corrective action Sergeant Gresham must immediately take with his team of officers would be to reconstruct the way his shift performs police work. Sergeant Gresham should begin by not allowing his team of officers to refer to him by his first name, as it is not professional nor does it allow the team of officers to take Gresham’s job as sergeant as serious as needed. Secondly, I believe Sergeant Gresham should immediately emphasize to not only himself, but his team of officers how important it is to perform the proper use of force .

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