solved TOPICEssay 1: Frogs and BirdsCompare and contrast the mating signals

TOPICEssay 1: Frogs and BirdsCompare and contrast the mating signals of two very different species: anurans (frogs and toads) and passerines (songbirds). Organize your paper according to Tinbergen’s four perspectives on animal behavior: adaptation, mechanism, ontogeny, and phylogeny. In other words, answer the following questions. What evolutionary benefits do mating signals bring each species? How are the vocalizations produced (anatomy and physiology) and what are they like (acoustic structure, including elements and complexity)? When in the lifecycle can individuals produce the signals, and what steps need to occur before signal production is possible? How did the signals likely evolve over time (both in terms of vocalizer and listener, but also in terms of socio-ecological environment)?GUIDELINESEssays are assessed not only for content, but also for grammar, clarity, conciseness, and coherence. Strive to make your essays accurate, relevant, and organized, and use Academic English. Your writing should demonstrate an understanding of key scientific terms related to sound and communication, with accurate use of technical terms such as amplitude, spectrum, conspecific, heterospecific, etc. You might think of this as writing a short article directed towards an educated layperson, and it should read as a prose essay, not a lab report outlining your observations. The purpose is to assess your writing skills in addition to your understanding of the material presented in class.For source material, you may draw on both the assigned course readings and the two documentaries; to earn full credit, you must include material from (and cite) at least two articles from the relevant readings. No further outside sources are required, though you are certainly welcome to draw on other research materials if you like. Properly cite these and any other data drawn from course readings and documentaries. Note that you should always cite the original work, rather than the summary provided in the course lectures. You may use the citation style of your choice, so long as you are consistent and the source and page number of the material is made clear. If you do use additional sources, be sure to cite them and provide full bibliographical entries. And, as always with any academic writing, your work must be your own and in your own words.FORMATTING AND SUBMISSION⎯ Provide your own original, descriptive title for your essay. (Do not simply copy and paste “Frogs and Birds”.)⎯ Your essay must be a minimum of 1500 words long, but no longer than 1700 words. Include the word count at end of the document in square brackets [ ].⎯ Document formatting should use a 12-point font, have 1-inch margins on all sides, and be saved in either doc/.docx or .pdf format only. Documents in shared drives will not be accepted.⎯ Your document should include your name and course name at the top of the document. The name of the document itself should also include your last name followed by L123-09 E1. As always, documents that are not properly named will not be accepted.⎯ The essay must be submitted in two ways. One copy should be emailed directly to me by the due date/time. The essay must also be uploaded to Turnitin via Canvas before the due date/time. The essay will be considered late if it is not sent to both places before the deadline. (Turnitin is not always reliable; it is recommended that you grab a screen shot of the upload confirmation in case your essay disappears from the system before it is graded.)

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