solved This project is focusing on the overall terrorist organization: ISIS.

This project is focusing on the overall terrorist organization: ISIS. I will include the previous papers that go along with this project. ‘Overview: Your work on the final project will include two major milestones in which will apply what you are learning in various modules throughout the course.
In this assignment, you will draw on your work in Modules Two, Three, and Four to complete the analysis section of the SARA report in your final project. Prompt: The analysis section will be the main component of your SARA report. In this section, you will analyze the terrorist organization at a micro level,
consider how it uses radicalization to recruit followers, and discuss the role of the media in shaping the organization’s image. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. The Terrorist Organization A. Provide background information on the terrorist organization, including:
1. A brief history of its evolution
2. An explanation of how the organization is structured and approximately how many members it has
3. Where in the world the organization is primarily based B. Explain the primary terror methods and tactics employed by the terrorist organization and provide examples.
1. What types of actions has the organization taken, domestically and internationally, to demonstrate its presence?
2. How do they plan and execute terrorist attacks?
3. What sort of tools or weapons do they use?
C. Explain the underlying motivation behind the organization’s terrorist actions. In other words, what drives them to carry out their methods and
tactics? II. Radicalization: A. Describe the ideology used by the terrorist organization.
1. What is the core reason behind the organization’s existence?
2. What are its primary objectives? B. Identify the primary countries from which the organization recruits.C. Explain what types of people the organization attempts to radicalize. Provide examples. D. Explain how the organization uses its ideology to enhance its recruitment efforts. Provide examples. III. Role of the Media: A. Explain how the terrorist organization uses traditional and/or social media to promote its cause, using specific examples to support your
response. Consider:
1. What sort of online and social media presence does the organization have?
2. What is its target audience, and what modes of communication are used to reach that audience?
3. How does the organization use media or social media to disseminate propaganda?
B. Describe the how the media has influenced the public’s perception of the terrorist organization and its actions, using specific examples.
1. What has the media done to bring the organization into the public eye?
2. How has the media shaped public bias towards the organization? Are we fearful of them? Are we empathetic toward their cause?
C. Explain how the media has helped or hindered counterterrorism efforts against the organization, using specific examples.
Milestone Rubrics: Please note that the grading rubric for this milestone submission is not identical to the rubric for the final project. The Final Project Rubric
will include an additional “Exemplary” category that provides guidance as to how you can go above and beyond “Proficient” in your final submission. Be sure to
incorporate feedback from your milestone submission into your final submission. Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be a 4- to 5-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch
margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

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