solved In this assignment, you will be thinking back to your

In this assignment, you will be thinking back to your results in the preferred decision-making style self-assessment. Please recall and explain a recent decision that your organization, or one you are familiar with, made and determine if your decision-making style had been implemented if the organization’s results have been the same, better or worse? If you do not have work experience, think about decisions made by your family, teachers, coaches, and any other groups you have been a part of, and explain how your decision-making style would have affected that decision. The body of this assignment should be at least 2 pages in length (this does not include your cover or reference pages) and contrast your preferred decision-making style against the other. You should analyze in detail and think critically about how your style would have affected the decision. This assignment should be written using APA format and guidelines. You should have 2-3 references for this assignment. Your assignment should have the following components:IntroductionExplanation of your preferred decision-making styleExplanation of a recent important decision that you witnessed and the outcomeCompare your preferred style with the alternate style describing how the decision would have been affected and explain if your style had been used during this decision if the results would have been the same, better or worse.ConclusionReference page Assignment 2 Rubric (1)Assignment 2 Rubric (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction and Conclusion20 ptsIntroduction and conclusion are clearly presented and include all criteria outlined above.10 ptsIntroduction and conclusion are presented, though may not be clear or complete.0 ptsDoes not provide an adequate introduction and conclusion or are missing.20 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplains personal decision-making style and a recent decision that was witnessed30 ptsDecision-making style and an explanation of the decision is clearly presented in great detail.15 ptsExplanation on both topics are presented, but not clear or complete, could use more explanation0 ptsDoes not adequately explain personal decision-making style and a recent decision that was made, and/or the information is missing30 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompares and contrasts the different decision-making styles and explains how the results could have differed or stayed the same30 ptsProvides clearly presented contrasting information and a detailed explanation of how the results could have been different using their preferred decision-making style15 ptsProvides some contrasting information but not clear or complete, could use more explanation0 ptsDoes not adequately compare and contrast decision-making styles or is missing30 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent10 ptsProvides an adequate number of concepts and theories related to principles of management and includes the number of relevant sources indicated above (3 or more references)5 ptsProvides a few concepts and theories of principles of management and includes some sources (1-2 references)0 ptsDoes not provide content related to principles of management or does not include sources (0 references)10 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear and professional writing and format10 ptsWriting and format is clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free6 ptsFew errors that do not impede professional presentation0 ptsErrors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed10 ptsTotal Points: 100

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