solved Epistolary PoemDiscrimination and Social InjusticeDear Emily, You will be amazed

Epistolary PoemDiscrimination and Social InjusticeDear Emily, You will be amazed to learn that social injustice is a situation which has been dominant over the years.The dominant issue in the population is commonly known as inequity.People of the same kind are treated differently where some lead on others for power and relatively higher positions in the social structure.Social injustice also denotes the unjust actions performed in society.Equals are treated unequally, while unequal is treated equally.Common social injustices you will come across in the modern society include discrimination; detrimental treatment of people based on race, age or gender.Ageism refers to a system of oppression against the young and the old, favoring individuals of a particular age.Discrimination is a frequent situation common in education, housing, employment, voting and land use.In transportation, public accommodation, government benefits, and access to health care services, people are treated unequally for non-viable reasons.Discrimination is illegal, and it is prohibited by 9the federal laws of the United States.All citizens should have the freedom to equal employment opportunities, housing availability, educational opportunities and civil rights irrespective of their race, age or gender.Discrimination is unfair and always leads to an emotional breakdown and frustrations to all people who encounter it in the current society.What should be done to bring racial discrimination to an end?This has been a question that lingers in everyone’s mind for centuries.It is every individual’s desire to be treated fairly and equally, hence approving for social justice.Social justice refers to equal distribution of resources and social opportunities without considering factors related to their race, age or gender.In most cases, we hope that a domestic and a global conversation of these social injustices will stir necessary actions.We always encounter numerous police brutality scenarios against the Black residents in the United States, which shutters our dream of ever living freely and fairly regardless of our skin color.Effective means to curb discrimination is to incorporate government intervention through enacting federal laws that prohibit discrimination based on an individual’s country, race, color, gender or religion.We should also consider embracing diversity in our society.Always recognize and celebrate racial identity, cultural differences at the workplaces, schools and other social amenities.A lot could be learned from other cultures that could help us understand the diverse global perspectives and eradicate all negative stereotypes.The unequal treatment has prevailed over a long period, and it is high time it comes to an end.People are always faced with emotional baggage and are hurt whenever they are treated unequally. We should seek to live together in peace and equality.We all need to collaborate to eradicate discrimination and social injustice.Always treat the people around you equally and fairly; be an ambassador of peace and social justice.Sincerely Justin. USE THESE COMMENTS TO EDIT THE POEM1. Your letter to Emily made me wonder who Emily is?2. It is a very detailed and charged Epistolary poem which is great! 3. Though it is a letter, and you have clearly expressed what you want to share and even ask Emily in a very detailed fashion, I want you to consider again playing around with format. Perhaps breaking the letter up into sections and doing away with words you don’t need to make it fit align more of a poetry and less prose or essay feel. 4. There were numerous strong lines!Professor A.

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