solved The Primary Source Analysis Draft So far, you’ve read about

The Primary Source Analysis Draft
So far, you’ve read about the major assignments in this course, begun to engage with our course theme, and identified a few potential primary sources that you might analyze. Now, your task is to choose 1 primary source—a short text, video, image, or other artifact—that relates to our course theme and that you would like to work with for the rest of the semester. Once you have chosen your primary source, you will use the analytical moves described in our textbook to analyze the details and potential meanings of your primary source. The 2-3 pages of analysis that you compose about your primary source will become the foundation of future assignments: the Annotated Bibliography, the Secondary Source Integration Paper, the Analytical Research Paper, and the Symposium.
Assignment Purpose
The Primary Source Analysis is designed to help you meet three objectives:
Select a primary source that will be the foundation of the rest of your Analytical Research Project
Practice and apply the analytical moves described in our textbook
Practice developing open-ended research questions
Assessment Criteria
Your Primary Source Analysis paper is worth 50 points and should meet the following Content and Design criteria:
Content Criteria
Your Primary Source Analysis paper should include the following content:
An Introductory paragraph that includes basic descriptive information about your chosen primary source:
What is it?
Where did it come from?
Who made it?
Body Paragraphs that:
Provide clear, focused analysis of your primary source
Directly engage patterns of detail or meaning in your primary source
Define and explain what you observe in your primary source
A Concluding paragraph that:
Briefly summarizes the major analytical claims you’ve made about your primary source
Includes 1-3 open-ended, analytical research questions (i.e., questions that cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”) that you can use for later assignments to think more deeply about your topic and that will help you to find useful sources for the Annotated Bibliography assignment
Design Criteria
Your Primary Source Analysis paper should meet the following design criteria:
Your PSA should be 2-3 pages long
Your PSA should be double-spaced
Your PSA should be typed in 12-point font
Your document should have a 1” margin around the page
Important Dates
Primary Source Analysis Draft Due on Carmen: Wednesday, June 9 by 11:59 p.m.             
Peer Reviews Due on Carmen: Saturday, June 12 by 11:59 p.m.
Reflection on Peer Review (worth 25 points) Due on Carmen: Monday, June 14 by 11:59 p.m.
Revised Draft of the Primary Source Analysis (50 points) Due on Carmen: Thursday, June 17, by 11:59 p.m.
Peer Review Information
After the due date passes, you will be assigned reviews of three of your classmates’ submissions. (You’ll see them listed on your Dashboard, in the course activity stream, and on this assignment page.) Complete all three reviews, remembering to use the Describe ? Assess ? Suggest framework outlined in the Peer Review Guide, Pt. 1, to compose your responses.
The peer review system in Carmen is generally reliable, but it does have a few quirks; review Peer Review Tips for Students before beginning your reviews. If you still have trouble finding/completing your assigned reviews, consult this Canvas Guide, How do I submit a peer review to an assignment? (Links to an external site.) Be aware: reviews are automatically assigned at the due date/time, so if you submitted late, you may need to ask your instructor to assign you reviews in the peer review system.

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