solved Briefly describe your professional opinion about mental health. Often times

Briefly describe your professional opinion about mental health. Often times we have judgments and ideas that may not always be beneficial to our clients. To be successful you have to put your personal opinions aside to help your clients. We need to have a clear delineation between our professional and personal feelings. An example of this would be abortion and drug use. We have to take into consideration the person that is in front of us and meet the client where they are. This should be at least 1.5-2 pages and APA cover page. RubricMain Assessment Rubric (1)Main Assessment Rubric (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Thinking/Application of MaterialResearch Portion of the Paper.Used all headers and put appropriate information into each section.6 ptsFull Marks (Represents excellent/superior work): Exceeds the criteria for a fully developed paper with the proper application of the material.5 ptsRepresents good work: The paper shows a developed thought process and gives detail on most of the subject matter. Paper reflects developed ideas and thought process.3.67 ptsRepresents average work; The paper shows an semi developed thought process and gives detail to most of the subject matter. Paper reflects semi developed ideas and thought process, but did not completely finalize all aspects of the process.2 ptsThe paper shows that the writer has an idea; however the ideas were not conveyed or developed with this paper. The paper touched briefly on a set of ideas but did not fully develop them.1.33 ptsThe student demonstrates the minimal skills considered necessary to pass the assignment and has not demonstrated the ability to meet expectations.0 ptsThe paper does not show that the writer has developed critical thinking skills necessary to fully complete the assignment.6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClaritySOAP Note- Clear and Concise- Signed and DatedAxis I-V6 ptsFull Marks (Represents excellent/superior work): Explanations very clear and well organized.4.67 ptsRepresents good work: The body of the paper shows a developed thought process and gives detail on most of the subject matter.3.34 ptsDid not complete or didn’t fully develop their thoughts on each of the discussion points.2 ptsRepresents average work: The body of the paper touched briefly on a set of ideas but did not fully develop them, showing growth and competency.0 ptsThe student demonstrates the minimal skills considered necessary to pass the assignment and has not demonstrated the ability to meet expectations.6 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting-GrammarSentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation4 ptsDid not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.3 ptsFull Marks (Represents excellent/superior work): minimal errors in sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.2 ptsRepresents good work: 0-3 different errors in sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.1 ptsRepresents average work: 4-5 different errors in sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation0 ptsThe student demonstrates the minimal skills considered necessary to pass the assignment and has not demonstrated the ability to meet expectations.4 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA4 ptsFull MarksFull Marks: Meets all of the criteria.2.51 ptsRepresents good workAPA formatting is present with minimal flaws.1 ptsRepresents average workRepresents average work APA formatting is present, but is not correct.0 ptsNo Marks4 ptsTotal Points: 20PreviousNext

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