solved OVERVIEWFor the Module 1 discussion board assignment your task is

OVERVIEWFor the Module 1 discussion board assignment your task is to explain to a general public audience the complexity of meanings around race and racisms in the United States by addressing the following set of questions through the lens of key concepts defined in the assigned readings. Imagine that you are trying to explain different elements of concepts such as the “West and the Rest Discourse” (Hall 1994) and “Racial Formation Theory” (Omi and Winant 2015) to someone who have never heard of these ideas but they have seen the documentaries “13th:” From Slave to Criminal with One Amendment (2016), directed by Ava DuVernay, or “The House We Live In” (2003) of the PBS series Race the Power of an Illusion.INSTRUCTIONSPART 1. Post. 20 points. Respond to at least three of the following prompt questions by discussing specific examples from either of the assigned media from Module 1 (weeks 1-2) and applying concepts or key terms from the assigned readings (see basic criteria below to ensure you receive full points): Prompt questions: How are racial categories represented and given meaning in imagery, media, language, ideas, and everyday “common sense” attitudes? What is the role of race in efforts to control and distribute economic, political, and cultural resources? How have difference in wealth, income, and power over decision making shaped perceptions about what we believe to be True about racial categories or our expectations about a person’s behavior? How have meanings of race and racism changed over time? In what ways have they remained the same?Basic criteria: Your responses can be open-ended but need to meet the following basic criteria to receive full points:Responds to at least three of the above response questions with specific examples from either of the assigned documentaries (you are not required to discuss examples from both, but are required to discuss at least three different examples – so, you may find it helpful to do so!)Fully incorporates at least one concept or key term from each of the assigned readings (meaning at least one concept or key term (“element” of the concept) from Hall’s (1994) the “West and the Rest discourse” and least one concept or key term (“element” of the concept) of Omi and Winant’s “Racial Formation Theory”Remember, your imagined audience has never heard of the authors or their work. So, to “fully incorporate” the readings you also need to introduce the author(s), summarize their argument, define the concept or key term, and apply it to analyze the example you are discussing.Word count is flexible but should aim for 350-700 wordsPART 2: Reply. 5 Points. Once you post your response you will see others’ posts. Respond to at least one of your peers by engaging in a discussion over the example they offered.Your replies can be personal reflections about what stood out to you or how the example might be related to other concepts we read in either Omi and Winant or Stuart Hall.You might also reflect on their post from the perspective of the aims of critical theory, to identify structures of oppression to better understand how they operate to dismantle them. How does the examples and concepts your peer discussed help move us in this direction?Word limit is flexible, aim for a meaningful comment that might generate dialogue).In general, this is an open-ended discussion activity; there are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Please remember, this is a platform for us to construct or learning community, so you are expected to engage in constructive dialogue in your posts. Be generous and be respectful and help each other learn from your different perspectives.

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