solved 2. How have notions of childhood changed from the Victorian

2. How have notions of childhood changed from the Victorian Era through the postwar economic boom? What socioeconomic factors were involved in these transitions? In what ways do you think this has changed in the past twenty years, and what role do you think media and economic factors have played?3. According to Sternheimer, what media and public fears seem to permeate discussions over children and technology? What evidence exists that cyberbullying is related to suicide rates in teens, or that internet predators represent a major threat to kids? Are there more direct threats in kids’ lives that tend to get ignored in these discussions? If so, why do you think that this might be the case?My answerQuestion2Victorian Era was between 1830 and 1900. Children from wealthy families were spoiled and had better lives, though they didn’t seem happy. They were usually brought up by nannies, who would teach them morals. They had to get reminded that they needed to be polite, and there was little communication between them and their parents. Children from humble backgrounds had to work from a young age to earn income. But the families were more knit together, and they seemed happier than children from wealthy backgrounds. The postwar period lasted from 1930 to 1960, and most families migrated to the cities in search of jobs. Families that could not move to the cities had their children working in the farms after school. The wealthy families did not have house chores to keep the children busy, so they had much leisure time. The period had many women getting employed, meaning they could not have time to bring up the children. Mothers had to seek employment as the cost of living increased, and their husbands’ income was getting insufficient. The teenagers during this period had much more freedom. The introduction of new modes of fashion, music, and entertainment united them.Media comes with both negative and positive effects on child development. Some television programs are educational to the kids, but some corrupt the excellent morals in children. The children who are watching violent behavior, sexual content and offensive language end up copying these mannerisms. Thus, it explains why most youngsters are using foul language, are increasingly becoming violent, and are getting sexually active while still young.Question3In her research, Kren Sternheimer claims that the internet is a scapegoat when children do socially illegal practices. She explains that most of the violence gets performed more by adults, and it goes unreported. The few incidents that are done by youngsters are the ones prone to extensive media coverage. She also notes that the media does not gig deeper to understand why children end up doing this stuff.The bullying leads to embarrassment to the victim. Methods of reacting to bullying vary across the teens, and some may decide to take away their lives when they can’t handle the societal stigma of this bullying. Predators take advantage of children’s innocence to access information from them. The predators have different motives while approaching kids. They might need to get information on the family, and the children can easily give that away. Parents might protect their children by being watchful over them whenever they are online.Parents need to get watchful on the kids instead of leaving them on their own to get into mistakes. As the kids are growing, parental guidance is crucial. They need to come up with strict rules on using the internet, and they will need to show the kids boundaries on the kind of information they should share or not. Protecting the children will also involve setting parental controls on the browser.I only want u to reword my answer.

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