solved You have read a great deal about ethical theories and

You have read a great deal about ethical theories and principles, and you are now in a position to evaluate your own ethical principles and/or biases.  After reading the Brown University work entitled “Making Choices: A Framework for Making Ethical Decisions,” (Links to an external site.) as well as any of the other assigned and optional readings and viewings from the first two modules of the course, carefully review the questions here below. 
Before pondering these 5 questions, you should think of an example of a decision you had to make personally at some point in your life, one that would likely affect others as well as yourself.  After bringing this moment back from your own experience, review these questions about how one could evaluate the relative ethical merits of making any decision. If this seems too personal or otherwise inhibiting, you may strip as much personal information from the example as you deem fit, or state it in terms of a third party; whatever helps you evaluate your own ethical preference(s).
Consider your ethical decision-making options and primary ethical orientation by evaluating the following questions in light of the decision choice you faced:

Which      action will produce the most good and do the least harm?
Which      action respects the rights of all who have a stake in the decision?
Which      action treats people equally or proportionately?
Which      action serves the community as a whole, not just some members?
Which      action leads me to act as the sort of person I should be?

In your initial post, briefly describe the ethical decision choice you were facing, then please address yourself to these questions:

Which      ethical questioning perspective above (1-5) do you identify with most and      feel most exemplifies the considered approach you took to the ethical      choice you faced?
Which      ethical perspective do you identify with the least, find the least      compelling standard for basing any decision upon, including the one you      identified?

The basic ethical archetypes that flow from the 5 questions above are here below, and they should help you consider which ethical perspective you most and least identify with, as well as allow you to consider the decision choices of others in the class and those you will study throughout the course. 

Which      action will produce the most good and do the least harm? = The Utilitarian      Approach.
Which      action respects the rights of all who have a stake in the decision? = The      Rights Approach.
Which      action treats people equally or proportionately? = The Justice Approach.
Which      action serves the community as a whole, not just some members? = The      Common Good Approach.
Which      action leads me to act as the sort of person I should be? = The Virtue      Approach. 

Finally,      as you evaluate these ethical categories, do you recognize now another      approach that might have been better than the one you followed at the      time? If so, how; if not, why not?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words and must substantively integrate the assigned readings, viewings and other learning materials with proper APA style formatting with in-text citations and a list of references.
Lucas, G. Jr. (2020). Ethics and military strategy in the 21st century: Moving beyond Clausewitz ( U.S. Naval War College, “Lecture of Opportunity” series. Newport, RI: USNA Stockdale Center. 

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