solved I need help fixing my essay so that I get

I need help fixing my essay so that I get a good grade, the directions are as followed:(space)(space)Please don’t judge this is an assigned essay:The term paper (which is a research paper), will be 1,500-2,000 words in length (paragraph/ essay formed). Your topic deals with the “American 20th Century,” roughly between 1876-2016. The paper needs to be suitably specific due to shortness, dates and topics from all the years leading up to the present day must be included in your paper. It is expected that research will be done with the cited works listed below. Your essay must be 12 Times New Roman font, and double spaced. The citation method used will be the Chicago Manual of Style. Please use at least 4 of the following sources in your bibliography and make sure to include in-text citations for evidence or examples in your actual essay.Topic: How has the events after the Civil War lead to the present day issues in America?Essay Sources:Link 1: Systemic Racism as a Living Text: Implications of Uncle Tom’s Cabin as a Fictionalized Narrative of Present and Past Black Bodies…Link 2: Exploring Race/Racism Past and Present: A Forum at Union Presbyterian Seminary…Link 3: “Both Sides of the Story”: History Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa…Link 4: Structural Racism, Historical Redlining, and Risk of Preterm Birth in New York City, 2013-2017…Link 5: Removing the Mask of Nationality: Unionism, Racism, and Federal Military Occupation in North Carolina, 1862-1865…Link 6: Removing the Master Script: Benjamin Banneker “Re-Membered” 7: Individual and Collective Social Justice Education: Comparing Emphases on Human Rights and Social Movements in Textbooks Worldwide…Link 8: A problematic legacy: diversity in American reading textbooks…Link 9: Representations of race and racism in the textbooks used in southern black schools during the American Civil War and Reconstruction era, 1861-1876…Link 10: Post Civil War African American History: Brief Periods of Triumph, and Then Despair…Link 11: The War on Drugs, Racial Meanings, and Structural Racism: A Holistic and Reproductive Approach…Link 12: Environmental Racism, American Exceptionalism, and Cold War Human Rights…(space)(space)This is the feed back I got on my essay thus far:”Okay, a few things here. You don’t need section headings in such a short paper. You shouldn’t have any in-text citations – the numbers will do fine. Also, make sure you’re italicizing the journal titles. The page ranges go in the bibliography, the note is for you to call out the specific page you’re referencing. You’re also not supposed to use the first or second person – no :”I,” “we,” “us,” “our,” etc. You’re also covering way too much ground here – nearly 200 years of racial inequality is better discussed in a book (or several books) than two pages. Try to narrow the focus of this paper to either one of your three points (inequality, capitalism, education) and its effects on America in a more distinct time period, or choose a single moment in time (year, decade at the most) where you feel these three issues intersect to suggest something important about US history.”Can you please edit and fix my essay? Thank you.

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