solved Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for

Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for my class.

Consider a leader you admire and based on information in the Unit 5 chapters, identify and explain this person’s leadership style.  Additionally, describe how this person embraces diversity—if it is not apparent, describe how they could embrace diversity.
Please respond by 7/7/2021 so I can send you my peers posts.
Reading material below.……

First peer below
I chose to use my store manager for this assignment because, well, he deserves the shout-out. My store manager was appointed to his position by higher members of the organization, making him our store’s formal and designated leader. I feel it’s because his combined style of leadership makes people want to follow him, and produce good results. On the directive/permissive scale he is permissive, but both permissive autocrat and permissive democrat. Permissive autocrat, because while he does indeed retain ultimate decision-making power, he permits us to use our creative abilities and experience in our positions to decide and execute the way we do our work. This also classifies him under McGregor’s Theory Y leadership style, he believes and recognizes that there are those of us who have the desire and ability to exercise self-control and self-direction. When using the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum all of the above would put him under a subordinate-centered leadership style. None of this is to say he is a doormat, when he needs to, “be the store manager” he does so, but it is his leadership style that got him that position and produces the results that he gets.
I also felt like he fell under the permissive democrat category. As long as we are upfront and in advance with our needs he does his best to facilitate us. When we are trying to decide how we want to orchestrate a task we can consult with him and brainstorm together, making him and excellent coach, teacher, and mentor. And he always makes sure to cheer us on and congratulate a job well done.
As for how I feel he, “embraces diversity”, I feel he does just that, he embraces it. There has not been a single time, that I am aware of, he has shown any sort of discrimination towards employees or applicants because of their gender, race, religion, age, medical condition, physical condition, or sexual orientation. We have a very diverse group of employees, all whom he treats equally while also trying to facilitate our individual needs. (Links to an external site.)

Second peer below
A leader that I admire is Elon Musk. I admire Elon Musk because he is always searching for a better way of doing things. He is a visionary who allows engineers to put their great minds to use. I would describe Elon Musk as a mixture of a permissive autocrat as well as a permissive democrat.
The reason why I would say he is a mixture is because he does encourage all of his employees to bring new ideas to the table as well as allow them to execute on those ideas. However he is still the primary decision maker. Elon Musk’s just recently started embracing diversity. They published their first diversity report in 2020 which shows that 83% of leadership roles are filled by men and 59% are white. This does disappoint me. Overall they have very little black employees as well as women employees. Tesla mentioned that they will start recruiting from historically black colleges as well as start unconscious bias training for all employees.
I hope to see a big change in the diversity of Tesla in the near future.

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