solved Answer must be double spacedPart 1: Vocabulary For each item,

Answer must be double spacedPart 1: Vocabulary For each item, write the vocabulary term indicated by thequestion. Please number all answers. You may use your vocabulary notes in this section.1. In Philip Levine’s poem, “What Work Is,” the speaker speaks to both himself and to the readerby using “you.” This is called __________________.2. When I say the word “night,” you might think, “dark,” “quiet,” “peaceful,” “sleep.” Thesewords are all ____________________ of “night.”3. “My love is like a rose.” This statement is an example of a ____________________.4. In Marilyn Nelson’s poem, “A Wreath for Emmett Till,” the speaker makes variousreferences to Shakespeare, especially Hamlet. These references are called_____________________.5. “A Wreath for Emmett Till” is made up of fifteen different ___________________.6. In Gary Soto’s poem, “Oranges,” the speaker mentions several different colors as a way toconvey his feelings. The repeated use of these colors throughout the poem is an example of a______________.7 and 8. Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “One Art” is a villanelle, a 19-line poem made up of five__________________ and one _________________.9. Robert Hass’s poem, “A Story About the Body,” looks more like a paragraph or a very shortstory than it does a poem. We call it a ______________ poem.10 and 11. In an Italian sonnet, the _________________ presents an argument that contradictsthe argument of the _________________, which are the eight lines that come before it.12. The words “threw” and “through” are examples of ____________________: they have thesame pronunciation, but different spellings and meanings.13. Some _________________ of Countee Cullen’s poem, “Incident,” include childhoodinnocence, racism, shock, and disappointment.14. “My love is a rose.” This statement is an example of a ___________________.15. Sylvia Plath’s poem, “Lady Lazarus,” includes the line, “The grave cave ate will be” (17).The repetition of the “a” sound in this line is an example of triple _________________.Part II: Wit (30%): Write an essay of at least 500 words (longer is fine) in response to thefollowing question on Wit. Be sure to begin with an introduction that sets up the terms ofyour argument. In your discussion, provide at least six (6) quotations, with page numbersin parentheses, to prove your ideas. Check your grammar and punctuation carefully whenyou are finished.Although they are at very different points in their careers, Vivian and Jason have a lot incommon. In an essay, compare these two characters: begin with a thesis that identifies howtheir personalities are similar, and then, in separate body paragraphs, explain how theirpersonalities influence the way that they interact with other people. What effects do theseinteractions have on both characters’ lives?Part III: Essay on a new poem (40%): In my separate attachment, you will find AnneSexton’s poem, “For My Lover, Returning to His Wife.” Read the poem slowly andcarefully. (If you have a printer, you may want to print the poem out so that you can takenotes on it.) Then write an essay of at least 500 words in response to the question below.Be sure to begin with an introduction that sets up the terms of your argument, in directresponse to the question below. In your discussion, provide at least eight (8) quotationsfrom the poem, and include line numbers in parentheses after each quotation. In youressay, use the terms metaphor, simile, diction, and apostrophe at least once each. Checkyour grammar and punctuation carefully when you are finished.In an essay, compare and contrast the speaker’s portrayal of herself with that of her lover’s wife.How does she see them as different? What seem to be the speaker’s attitudes about the wife andabout herself? How can you tell?

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