solved Forum – Module 5 Field Report #3: Family Story Forum

Forum – Module 5 Field Report #3: Family Story Forum – Initial Post Due – Discussion Group 1From Sp21 ANTH F002A 01W Cultural Anthropology11 unread reply.11 reply.For this fieldwork assignment, you will explore the meaning behind cultural and family stories. You will be asked to identify a family story, told over and over again, by one or more family members. You will write up the story for your fieldwork report, and analyze the function of the story in your family as well as determine the values or messages it is really conveying. To get an idea of the kinds of stories, we are interested in hearing about, please feel free to listen to a story or two that is shared on StoryCorps (Links to an external site.). More importantly, read through the following StoryArts online web page (Links to an external site.)to get some ideas on how you can find the “right” story to share. The web page has some good questioning strategies to help you and your family to start to think about the memorable stories that have meaning to you, your family, and perhaps even your community or culture.Once you have completed your report, you will post it in the discussion forum called, Family Story Debrief. Then you will need to read and comment on two of your peers’ reports. Try to even out whose report you review. For example, if you see that two people have already replied to Katie’s report, and no one has commented on John’s report, then comment on John’s report, so he doesn’t feel left out.ProceduresThroughout your childhood, you may have heard and shared stories, but you may never have thought about them as verbal artifacts to be analyzed. Family stories are narratives, usually about family members, both living and deceased-like the time your cousin Sean was left at the alter or your uncle Michael came drunk, or when cousin Katherine won the state lottery and spent the money in a month. Sometimes, they are stories of heroics, of sadness, or of comedy.Identify a story in your own family that is told over and over again. It doesn’t have to be an “important” story-it can seem silly-as long as it is told. The assignment this week is to your family member to retell the story to see if it has changed or is different from what you remember, and then you will think more deeply about its purpose and function.To give a moral to children?To model doing the right thing?To tell you what “our family” believes in?What values or messages does it convey?Report FormatI expect your story to be retold in your own words.The report is to be typed, 12 pt. font, double-space, with 1.0 inch margins.Estimated length should be between 3-5 complete, double-spaced pages.Use a spell check, and proofread the paper carefully.Divide the report into the following five sections:i. Introductionii. Story Retelling -Pick a family (or good friend) story that is told over and over again, and share the story in your report (When writing out the story, make up names or use only a first initial so that you are not violating the privacy of anyone in your family). If you would like to interview a family member, please feel free to do so. ii. Story Analysis – Analyze the story. The stories families pick to tell and retell are important. Think about why your family tells this particular story. Who tells it? Does your family tell other similar stories? What values or messages do you think it means to communicate? What role does it play in family communication? What does it communicate to you? [Are the intended messages and how you react(ed) to the story the same?]iii. Connections – At this point in your life, how do you relate to the values or messages the story sends? Do you agree with or reject those messages or something in between? Do those values or messages affect your life right now? Would YOU retell this story? What do the answers to these questions tell you about your family and its values?iv. Conclusion

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