solved Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)Please summarize ARDS as a disease

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)Please summarize ARDS as a disease process, and discuss how the treatment plan for these patients is different from other patients with acute respiratory failure. Please discuss the specific medical and ventilator management plans for patients for ARDS, and discuss the findings from the article this week. Be sure to include at least one of the more controversial treatment options or mechanical ventilation modes for patients diagnosed with ARDS.Discussion Board Posting: Presentation ResponsesDiscussion Board Posting: Presentation ResponsesCriteriaRatingsPtsInitial Postview longer description1 pts1 ptsThe initial posting is substantive demonstrating critical thinking and thoughts delving deeper into the discussion topic and course content and includes a minimum of two professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal.0.5 pts0.5 ptsThe initial posting is somewhat substantive and/or includes only one reference from a professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal and/or completed by Thursday at 11:59 PM/EST.0.25 pts0.25 ptsThe initial posting is not substantive or submitted after Thursday at 11:59 PM/EST. The initial post does not include a reference from a professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Posted on same day as a response posting./ 1 ptsResponse 1view longer description0.5 pts0.5 ptsThe response is a substantive interaction that builds on the ideas of others, delving deeper into the discussion question and course content in response to a colleague. The response includes one reference from a professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal.0.3 pts0.3 ptsThe response is somewhat substantive and includes one reference from a professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal.0 pts0 ptsThe response does not have a reference from professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal and/or did not post and/or posted on same day as initial posting and/or response posting./ 0.5 ptsResponse 2view longer description0.5 pts0.5 ptsThe response is a substantive interaction that builds on the ideas of others, delving deeper into the discussion question and course content in response to a colleague. The response includes one reference from a professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal.0.3 pts0.3 ptsThe response is somewhat substantive and includes one reference from a professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal.0 pts0 ptsThe response does not have a reference from professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal and/or did not post and/or posted on same day as initial posting and/or response posting./ 0.5 ptsResponse 3view longer description0.5 pts0.5 ptsThe response is a substantive interaction that builds on the ideas of others, delving deeper into the discussion question and course content in response to a colleague. The response includes one reference from a professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal.0.3 pts0.3 ptsThe response is somewhat substantive and includes one reference from a professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal.0 pts0 ptsThe response does not have a reference from professional peer-reviewed scholarly journal and/or did not post and/or posted on same day as initial posting and/or response posting./ 0.5 ptsClarity/APAview longer description0.5 pts0.5 ptsPosting and responses are clear, concise, and in proper APA format for citations and references. No grammatical errors are noted. The entry adds worth to the dialogue and the comments build on the previous statements of others.0.3 pts0.3 ptsPosting and responses are somewhat clear. Proper APA format for citation and reference noted in some areas but some APA infractions are apparent. Minor grammatical errors are noted. The entry adds to the dialogue, but some repetition and/or unclear thought is noted.0 pts0 ptsPosting and responses are unclear. APA format not followed. Grammatical errors are noted. The entry does not build on previous dialogue./ 0.5 ptsTotal Points: 0

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