solved The theme of one of our texts is God’s generosity

The theme of one of our texts is God’s generosity to us in creation, the giving of the Son and Spirit, salvation, etc. The goal of your paper is to display God’s generosity through Spirit-motivated generosity. Therefore, you will do the following:

Spend time praying about how you might be generous — with your time, money, energies, and/or gifts — towards someone in need. Ask the Lord how you might display his kind of abundant generosity to others in a way that would display his goodness. Ask the Lord to stretch you out of your comfort zone. This may be an ongoing or a one-time (or anything in between) display of generosity.
Implement whatever it is you believe the Lord placed on your heart.
Write a 4-5 page report detailing (1) what you did, (2) in what specific ways you think it reflected God’s generosity (e.g., “God takes initiative in these ways, so I took initiative in these ways”), (3) how the recipients responded, and (4) what you learned/gained from doing the project.

The hope is that when we, in practice, reflect God’s character, we experience him in fresh ways as a result. May that be the case for us. Grades will be based primarily on the thoughtfulness of the project itself and the resulting reflections. 

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