solved Now, you have the results of all your self-assessment tests

Now, you have the results of all your self-assessment tests for Module 6. Next, you are to write a 3-4 page, double-spaced, reflection essay for this module based on your scores in each of the self-assessment tests from this Module 6. Keep in mind that this module is about communication, coaching and conflict skills. Take a look at Chapter SIX for additional information regarding this self-assessment test. The responses for the self-assessment tests should be written using a combination of the “assert and defend” style in a five-paragraph essay. Think like a lawyer. Assert an argument or thesis AND prove or defend it. (See more detail in “Instructions on Self-Assessment Tests and Reflection Essays”)Make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of each of the self-assessment tests to you ( a total of at least THREE assertions for this essay) and support them with examples. Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for each of your arguments.Remember to use appropriate references to support your work. Please follow the APA format in all writing in this course. APA Guidelines on Miami Library Website (链接到外部网站。)Purdue OWL APA format Guidelines (on in-text citations (链接到外部网站。) and a reference list (链接到外部网站。)) SELF-ASSESSMENT ONE: LISTENING SKILLSGenerally speaking, the higher your score, the better your listening skills.ANALYSIS:Do you have good listening skills? Explain your response. This is a leadership area where everyone has room for improvement. What could you be doing to make yourself a better listener?Explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you. Take a look at Chapter Six for additional information regarding this self-assessment test. Make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of this self-assessment test to you and support them with example(s). Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument.OR, if you would prefer not to do the above analysis, then, SUBSTITUTE the following analysis with additional details for completion.NOTE: If FIVE people you talk with regularly were to answer these 15 questions about you, would they have the same responses that you selected? To find out, have FIVE current and/or past managers, co-workers, instructors, other students in the course who know you, parents, siblings, and/or other friends fill out the questions with you in mind rather than themselves. Then, compare their answers to your answers. Place the information in a table containing the following information: NAME OF PERSON, RELATIONSHIP TO PERSON, TIME KNOWN THIS PERSON, HIS/HER ANSWERS, and YOUR ANSWERS. Did you receive any “qualitative” comments from any of these individuals that you would like to include? In a short paragraph, explain whether or not the similarities and/or the differences in the multiple sets of answers surprised you.SELF-ASSESSMENT TWO: YOUR PERSONALITY TRAITS AND COMMUNICATION, FEEDBACK, COACHING, AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STYLEANALYSIS:Based on your personality, what specific things can you and will you do to improve your communication, feedback and coaching, and conflict management style? Explain your short-term (over the next year) action plan for each of the three areas. Use a table format with at least one improvement (for each of the three areas) and the associated steps for implementation. SELF-ASSESSMENT THREE: DETERMINING YOUR PREFERRED COMMUNICATION STYLEANALYSIS:Explain in more detail the meaning of these scores to you. Take a look at Chapter Six for additional information regarding this self-assessment test. Make at least one assertion about the meaning(s) of this self-assessment test to you and support them with example(s). Write a convincing case that presents a strong defense for your argument. When submitting responses to the Self-Assessment Tests, be sure to name your file accordingly, i.e., M6_SAT_Responses_lastname.docx

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