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Essay #3 Assignment Overview: Lesson and DiscussionNo unread replies.No replies.Read the following information and post a response in the discussion board by hitting reply below. Your response can be a question, a summary of the assignment in your own words or something you noticed/thought.Writing Task: Take a position (for or against) on one of the two topics provided and write an argumentative essay that uses outside research to persuade your audience to understand the issue and your position on it. Instructions: Final draft must be at least 1000-1,500 words (not including the Works Cited page).Essay needs to be written in the 3rd person point of view. You will choose ONE of the two topics provided. Each topic will have five (5) potential sources for you to use. Your final draft must use a minimum of three (3) different resources from the five (5) provided. Drafts must specifically follow MLA guidelines to format the required in-text citations and Works Cited page. All drafts must specifically follow the “Essay Formatting Guidelines” page posted in the Resources module.Final draft must be uploaded and submitted as a .docx or .pdf file format.Topic Selection and Sources: Choose ONE of the following topics. All sources needed have been provided. You must select and cite AT LEAST three (3) sources in your essay. Topic:Should college be free?Topic: Should private citizens be allowed to have exotic animals as pets?Library DatabaseSource: “The Sweet Spot on Free College: Why 14 is the New 12.” downloadSource: “ExNOTic: Should We Be Keeping Exotic Pets?” downloadLibrary DatabaseSource: “Presidential Hopefuls Are Pushing Free College Back Into the Spotlight. But What Does ‘Free’ Mean, Anyway?” downloadSource: “Human Attacks by Large Feline Carnivores in Captivity and in the Wild.” downloadLibrary DatabaseSource: “Unlocking Access: Free Tuition Programs Are Opening Doors for Some Students–but Are They Making the Grade?” downloadSource: “Exotic Animals: Appropriately Owned Pets or Inappropriately Kept Problems?” downloadInternet (Video)Source: “Should College Be Free? (Links to an external site.)” Source: Exotic pets: A Growing American Fad (Links to an external site.)Internet (General)Source: “Free College for All is a Popular Rallying Cry, But is it Realistic?” downloadSource: “Wild Obsession” downloadHere are the Works Cited pages for each topic:Free Tuition Works Cited PageExotic Pets Works Cited PageYou can copy and paste without formatting the work cited page for your topic as the last page of your essay.Then you just need to delete any sources you have not cited in your paper. Essay Organization:Introduction (1 Paragraph)-Has an attention grabber/hook-Briefly describes the topic/problem.-Makes clear how the problem concerns the audience.-Emphasizes why the time to address the problem is now.-States an explicit claim in a thesis statement (Typically the LAST sentence of introduction).Body (Links to an external site.) (4-7 Paragraphs)-Outline the major reasons supporting the position (Topic Sentences).-Connect the reasons to the thesis statement via transition words and topic sentences.-Present illustrations, evidence, and examples in the form of summary and paraphrase with few quotes from provided sources.-Evidence is comprised of facts and figures, direct quotations, brief narratives, statistics, testimony and so on from the sources provided.-Includes a counter argument paragraph that acknowledges, rebuts, or refutes opposing viewpoints.-In other words, establish logos by supplying a well-reasoned, well-supported, well-organized argument via strong body paragraphs.Conclusion (1 Paragraph)-Reinforce for your audience the benefits of responding to your argument in the intended way.-Illustrate the negative situation that will result if your argument is ignored.-Work to connect the your claim with the interests and values of your audience.-Create a call to action by answering the question, “So what?” What should your audience care about your argument?

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