solved Learning Goal: I’m working on a education & teaching multi-part

Learning Goal: I’m working on a education & teaching multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Classroom Map & NarrativePart I:Using the previous Practicum Assignment (concerning grade level and subject area), create a classroom diagram for that lesson plan. However, you must arrange the desks in such a way that cooperative learning groups are possible. This should be a computer-generated diagram with the physical layout of your classroom for a minimum of 20 students including:2 students who are English Language Learners (ELLs):1 student with limited English proficiency is of Cuban origin, Spanish being their primary language. This student is an ESOL level A2.1 student with limited English proficiency is of Haitian origin, Creole and French being their primary languages. This student is an ESOL level B1.2 students who have been identified as part of the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program:1 student has been identified as This student confuses letter names and sounds, demonstrates difficulty with blending sounds into words and exhibits a slow rate of reading while also struggling to remember what was read.1 student has been identified as having Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), demonstrating issues with concentration and focus. This student is easily distracted, impulsive, can’t sit still, loses interest easily and tends to daydream.2 students with more than typical behavior problemsYou must choose the particular behavior problem for each of these two studentsYou must label and describe each student’s behavior14 general education studentsEach computer-generated diagram for your classroom diagram must graphically display the following items and must be individually labeled; do not use symbols or abbreviations as they relate to each physical structure:Seating arrangements that promote a cooperative learning environment for your lesson plan (please include an arrow to display the direction of seats in terms of the front of the room)Labels for desks of each of the types of students described above. Please include a Legend or Key if you choose to use acronyms as labels. This is the only location where acronyms will be accepted if a legend accompanies the layout.The teacher’s deskSmall group teaching station for the teacher and a select group of studentsA minimum of two center areas (such as library center, math center, etc.) in addition to the small group teaching station and the computer station.Map Narrative:Discuss how the classroom environment impacts lesson delivery.You must identify at least two reasons (rationales; justifications) for placement of each of the groups of students (see bold face type above) seated in your classroom map. Caution: Avoid justifying the seating for a particular student as being placed in the front in order to be close to the teacher. If you think about it, all students would benefit from being close to the teacher. Rather, your rationale should reflect how the placement of student meets the specific needs of the learner.You must include at least two reasons for the placement of each of the following: the teacher’s desk, small group teaching station, and your two center areas.Part II: Optional assignment for an opportunity to earn extra-credit points.Based on the Classroom you have designed, develop the following items:Classroom Rules (list of commands in the affirmative/no more than 5 rules) [5 points]Procedure for Beginning Class (at least 3 Steps) [1 point]Procedure for Middle of Class transition – shift of learning activity (at least 3 Steps) [1 point]Procedure for Ending Class (at least 3 Steps) [1 point]Procedure for an Emergency – an accident during class, fire drill, etc. (at least 3 steps) [1point]Reward SystemIndividual Rewards – What, when, and why? [1 point]Whole Class Rewards – What, when, and why? [1 point]Hierarchy of Consequences [5 points]STANDARDS MET:FLORIDA EDUCATOR ACCOMPLISHED PRACTICES:The Learning Environment:A.2.a.; A.2.e; A.2.hPROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS:Knowledge of Appropriate Student Centered Learning Environments:2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5

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