solved Read the instructions carefully. Write TWO answers to the following

Read the instructions carefully. Write TWO answers to the following questions, one essay per answer. For the first essay, answer EITHER question 1 or 2, NOT BOTH. Everyone will write on question 3 for their second essay. Each essay should be a minimum of 500 words long. They are due by Wednesday, May 12, 3:00pm PDT. You should only use the assigned course materials (videos and texts), your notes and thoughts on lecture and discussion. No outside sources are required or permitted. Essays that attempt to pass off material from websites or any other non-sanctioned source (that is, anything besides your notes from lecture, discussion, and the course materials) will be subject to discipline as instances of academic dishonesty. In practice, this means you will receive a 0 on the exam and your exam will be referred to the Judicial Procedures Office for further academic sanctions. Receiving a 0 on any exam virtually guarantees failure in the course. Late exams are subject to a full letter grade penalty per day late. For your first essay, answer EITHER question 1 or 2, NOT BOTH.1. Consider the following statement: “Moonlight is about the construction of a toxic American male.” Do you agree? Refer to at least one other piece of assigned material from the course in your answer. Note, you can agree, disagree, or take a position of mixed agreement and disagreement. 2. Both Moonlight and Percival Everett’s story offer examples of young men appropriating things from the culture around them to help make their way in the world. To what extent do these two examples offer positive models for how to be a man in modern America?For your second essay, answer the following question:3. Chaplin’s film Modern Times is often discussed in terms of its relationship to labor. How might you use the film to discuss issues of masculinity that we have taken up in the last portion of the course? (I’m asking the question this way to give you the broadest possible latitude and greatest freedom to think about how to answer the question.) Your answer should focus on the relationship of the tramp to the other characters and circumstances he encounters in the film.Grading Rubric:F = Failure to turn in exam / turn in an essay with plagiarized elements / turn in something that is an obvious evasion of any effort to engage with the readings or ideas in the course to this pointD = Exam consists of essays well short of the length requirement. It shows little to no familiarity with the lectures for the course and a bare understanding of the texts for the course to this point.C = Exam consists of essays that are close to the minimum length requirement. It shows some familiarity with lectures for the course and a better than minimal understanding of key issues in the course to this point. It may be confused about key elements of plot in the texts and may betray a sometimes shaky grasp of basic concepts discussed so far in the course. B = Exam consists of essays that exceed the minimum length requirement. They demonstrate a solid understanding of the ideas discussed in lectures and show an ability to apply those ideas to the texts. They go beyond a bare familiarity with the texts, showing a real level of engagement and mastery of textual detail in answering the questions.A = Exam consists of essays that exceed the minimum length requirement. They show complete mastery of the ideas discussed in lecture and the texts. They are detailed and persuasive in their mastery of detail and their ability to make insightful arguments linking texts to concepts in the course.Please note, the exam is graded on content, not form. I’d prefer you to write clear, grammatical prose, but I am focused on the content. While I don’t insist on your using quotes from the texts, the fact that you have all weekend and more to write the exam and you have the texts and films and videos at your fingertips suggests that good essays are going to refer in detail to the course materials, if not quote them outright. Counterarguments are not required, but they are encouraged as useful ways to add depth and nuance to your answers. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email. Good luck!PreviousNext

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