solved Develop memorable, unique personalities for each of the provided characters

Develop memorable, unique personalities for each of the provided characters (attached file). Open your photos. You’ll start the process of developing a personality by selecting some character traits from a comprehensive list linked below. Then answer the questions follow.Please don’t randomly select character traits. Alternate between answering the questions about your character’s life and selecting character traits for them. Real people are complicated, so your thoughts about them should be as well. The character traits:In the Reading, Listening, Viewing section for this week, go to the Character Trait list link. (Links to an external site.)The list is broken into negative and positive traits. For each character, select 7 character traits from the list. Of the two characters, one should have more negative than positive traits. For a basically positive character, 4-5 of these traits should come from the positive list and the rest from the negative list. At least one of these negative traits should be a personality flaw (a weakness) that could create difficulties for a basically good character.For a basically negative character, the numbers will reverse: 4-5 negative traits, the rest should be positive traits. At least one of these positive traits should be something that you might admire about the person, even if you didn’t like them.For each character, the answers you give to the questions must make sense with the personality traits that you have assigned! For example, you shouldn’t have a character with the negative trait of “charmless”, and also say that they are a person that people like when they meet them for the first time.Particularly if English is not your first language, use and to help you understand words that you don’t recognize and to select descriptive words that are more interesting than the obvious ones. For example: what if you want to say that your character is “angry”? What exactly do you mean by that? More interesting words are usually also more specific, and can help you explain your character better. For example, instead of “angry” consider: aggressive, bitchy or surly. Each of these is a way to express anger, but they give us more information about the character. Be sure that you understand the subtleties of the words you pick.Place all of the answers to the following questions and the character traits you’ve chosen into a document. The questions:gender identity if not the same as their birth sex designation (i.e., male, female, intersex, etc.), and, if relevant, sexual orientation (i.e., gay, bisexual, asexual, etc.)their relationship status (single, dating, married, polyamorous, etc.)dependents: children, parents, pets, or none of the above. Don’t tell us anything about these dependents yet. Just think about whether the character is likely to have any, and what type they might be. You’ll have a chance to change this decision later.Is your character satisfied with their life? What are they pleased about, and what might they want to change?Do most people who know your character like them or dislike them? Why? Do people who meet your character for the first time find them more, less, or equally like-able as the people who already know them? Why?Does your character have a hobby, political or social cause, or other interest or enthusiasm that they devote (or want to devote) significant time to? What is it, and why does it excite them? Conversely, is there something they dislike strongly or avoid?Based on the character traits you have selected and the answer to the previous questions, what positive trait do you think is the most important, defining aspect of your character? Although this could be related to something that your character is good at, it should be grounded in one of their core personality traits. Explain why you selected this trait.Based on the character traits you have selected and the answer to the previous questions, what trait could be a serious weakness for your character? Although this is often a “negative” trait, it is possible for a positive trait to also be a weakness that could create problems for the character, either in their daily life or when under stress.

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