solved Please provide an aside or constructive feedback to the following

Please provide an aside or constructive feedback to the following two Topics. Do you agree with the analysis presented? Why? Do you have some additional thoughts on the topic? Share them. When providing your feedback present the logic behind it. Topic 1 This week’s literature was quite fascinating. The detailed account of Freud and his life was very telling and allowed for a clear picture and better understanding of his approach to psychological matters. His psychological approach to free will, the conscious and unconscious working of the mind, and desires and motivations were all briefly notated as well as associates reaction to these theories. The information gathered about Jung and his childhood also his connection allowed for a closer comparison of there theories and how they relate or contradict. The responsibility of researchers to study personality in a ethical manner stem from the necessity of not only validity but the sensitive relationship between participants and the conductor of said study. Also not utilizing ethical values whilst practicing psychology can have legal repercussions. (Henderson, Law, Palermo, & Eccleston,2012,p. 1121). Henderson, E. M., Law, E. F., Palermo, T. M., & Eccleston, C. (2012). Case Study: Ethical Guidance for Pediatric e-health Research Using Examples From Pain Research With Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 37(10), 1116–1126. Topic 2 The first segment deals with the findings of Sigmund Freud. He believed that we (human beings) are driven by the battles we fight inside ourselves. Oftentimes, these conflicts are unknown to us and manifest themselves as dreams, known as Interpretational Dreams (Allen, 2016). Freud categorized three criteria to the human psyche. First, the ID which according to Allen (2016), “including elements relating to the satisfaction of physical drives, such as sex and hunger, or primitive psychological needs, such as comfort and protection from danger.” The ego struggles to balance the urges of the id and it’d immediate desires. Rather the ego, utilizes thought, assessment, and formulation of ideas, and decision making to verify we will benefit from certain behaviors. The ego is thought to have a correlation with reality but isn’t completely conscious. (Allen, 2016) Lastly, the superego, which deals with our environment. This part of our consciousness is cultivated through what surrounds us and how we have been groomed by them. One way that the superego is formed is by introjection. This deals with our growth based on the people we idolize in our society. Some examples in today’s time would be our parents, teachers, sports phenoms, or social media influencers. The second Segment deals with those who have similar views with Freud’s theory but built upon it. The Neo-Freudians simply acknowledged his ideas but expanded on them. For example, a Neo-Freudian is Alfred Adler who believed the struggles we went through in our society are what defined us. We all had similar experiences however, we were affected by this differently. (Allen, 2016) Then we have Carl Jung, who was believed that our phycology was derived from our meaning in life. He believed that our urges and connection were not solely ours but part of a collective. Our collective sharing leads us to want a better understanding of ourselves. (Crash Course, 2014) a. Researchers have the responsibility to ensure that their research is done in a respectful manner. They are also responsible for their opinions to be based on proper organizational or institutional assessments. The group utilized in their research or in their given opinions should be safeguarded. For example, if we are writing on a study done, it should have been conducted by confirmed researchers in UMGC. Secondly, personal names and systems cannot be released without the complete consent of the group. Resource Allen, B. P. (2016). Personality theories: Development, growth, and diversity (5th ed.). Psychology Press. Crash Course (2014). Measuring personality: Crash Course Psychology #22 [Video].

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