solved JGR100 discussion 3-6Week 3In the article “Managing Oneself,” author Peter

JGR100 discussion 3-6Week 3In the article “Managing Oneself,” author Peter F. Drucker states that “What one does well – even very well and successfully – may not fit with one’s value system”. How do your values play a role in the groups, organizations, or career opportunities you decide to be a part of? Is it important for your values to be aligned to that of that particular organization? Why or why not? How might this relate to your overall purpose? Use content from the article to support your response.Week 4In the article Eight Ways to Find the True Passion in Life That Has Eluded You, Rebecca Burn-Callander outlines 8 steps to discovering your true passion. If you were given the opportunity to dedicate the rest of your life to one specific activity, without having to worry about money, what activity would you choose? How would you impact the world by taking on this activity? What can you conclude?Week 5In this week’s Strayer Talk, you saw how Coach’s team reacted to receiving their DiSC personality results. You also learned how their distinct personalities help them succeed at JGR Racing.Understanding your personality and how you work best can open doors in your life and career and improve your communication with those around you. Now that you have your own DiSC results (D, i, S, and/or C) describe a situation at home, school, or work where you had difficulty seeing eye-to-eye with someone else due to personality differences. How would understanding your DiSC profile have helped you communicate with them more effectively?For example, let’s say you scored high on i (influential and optimistic) while your boss shows many of the strengths of a D (focused on the task, strong drive, direct, assertive). In the past, you may have had a hard time communicating with your boss because of her assertiveness. You might realize that you would be more effective communicating with your boss if you present your ideas in a “no-nonsense,” direct way. She may not take you seriously if you go off-topic.Week 6In this week’s Strayer Story you learned how Coach Gibbs developed his own leadership style by observing the styles of leaders he admires. Now, think of a great leader in your own life. This can be a coach, teacher, mentor, supervisor, family member, etc. How would you describe that person? What would you say were some of their strengths as a leader? Do you feel as though they are an effective leader? Why or why not? Use references from Leadership That Gets Results (JGR100 ebook) to support your response.Fin100 2-7 discussion Week 2This week, we will be discussing the Fed Funds Rate and how it can affect the unemployment rate and the rate of inflation. This exercise will help you identify how well you really understand the Federal Reserve System.Based on your research or what you learned by watching the video What does the Federal Reserve do?, list at least two (2) functions of the Federal Reserve System and describe how the decisions made for each of the two (2) functions you chose could potentially impact the U.S. economy.Next, describe how those functions may personally impact you or any U.S. Citizen.Week 4Watch The 2008 Financial Crisis, in Crash Course EconomicsDescribe how the credit crisis may have adversely affected many people beyond homeowners and mortgage companies. Do you believe the impact of the credit crisis is still being felt today? Why or why not? Are we headed in the direction of another credit crisis? What indicators hint at what could happen in the future?Week 5Complete the following:Watch Inside The Collapse (Part One).Watch Inside The Collapse (Part Two).After watching the videos, discuss how this financial crash impacted you, your family, a career from which you may have been laid off, or someone you know who was affected.Week 7View the following videos:Money, Power and Wall Street: Part 1, in Frontline. Money, Power and Wall Street: Part 2, in Frontline.Then, answer the questions below in your discussion:What was the impact of the near failure of Bear Stearns and the failure of Lehman Brothers on money markets?What actions did the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department take? What were the impacts of the decisions, if any?

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