solved 1) Reflect on your weight over the past year or

1) Reflect on your weight over the past year or so and explain any weight gains or losses. Using the Intake vs. Goals report, can you identify areas in which you need to adjust your food intake, perhaps eating more or less?Describe the potential risks and possible benefits of fad diets and over-the- counter weight-loss drugs or herbal supplements. (500 words minimum) 2) Which of your foods provided high intakes of vitamins? Which of your foods provided few or no vitamins?How was your overall intake in the vegetable group? Do you need improvement in this area? If so, what are some changes you could make?Examine your weekly choices of vegetables and evaluate whether you meet the recommendations for dark green or orange and deep yellow vegetables.Take a look at your sodium intake in this report. Most people in the United States exceed the UL. Did you? Explain the importance of selecting and pre- paring foods with less salt.How was your intake of calcium for that day?If you are not getting enough calcium, consult Chapter 12 for ideas to help you get more, then list at least three foods or beverages you would be willing to eat or drink that would improve your intake. (500 words minimum)33) Samuel is a 63-year-old single man who works full-time in a food processing plant. He has a history of esophageal cancer which was treated successfully with anti-cancer drugs and surgery four years ago. His weight had been stable at 135 pounds until the past 6 months, in which he has experienced an involuntary weight loss of 10 pounds. He is 67 inches tall and his current BMI is 19.5. He complains of a poor appetite and being overly weak and tired. His usual diet is fairly consistent. He states he rarely eats breakfast because he starts work at 6 a.m. He eats two deli meat sandwiches, “usually pastrami or salami,” and a soda at 10 a.m. and may eat a candy bar in the afternoon when he gets off work. He often prepares frozen dinners or pizza at home in the evening and routinely drinks “about 2 or 3 beers” before going to bed. Occasionally he will cook a roast and mashed potatoes. He occasionally will have milk with cereal but rarely eats vegetables or fruit. He would like to know which vitamin supplement will give him energy.From what you have learned about the functions of vitamins, how would you answer Samuel’s question?What are some indications that Samuel’s diet could be low in thiamin?Using information from Figure 10-4, what are one or two good sources of thiamin from each food group that would be fairly easy for Samuel to add to his diet?What other vitamins would you suspect might be deficient in Samuel’s diet? Why?Besides his diet, how might Samuel’s medical history have increased his risk for folate deficiency?Based on his medical history and information in this chapter, how would you advise Samuel regarding his complaints of fatigue and weight loss?Would you recommend a daily multivitamin supplement for Samuel based on the history he has provided? Why or why not4) Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides), the presentation should consist of the following:Research 4 to 6 different sports drinks. List the amount of glucose, sodium, and other electrolytes present in each product. List the advantages and disadvantages of these products in addition to water and provide their recommendations about the best choice. Support your choice with reliable and valid sources. 5) This discussion is for you to share your personal thought about the video. You may express yourself about any aspect of the video, but it must be from “your” prospective. Support your answer with concepts from this week’s readings.( 500 words minimum) . Research a company that sells either fitness or health and wellness products designed to reduce stress. Develop a critique about the quality of the product and credibility of the claims. Be sure to address the following questions in the narrative:-Who does the company want as the customer? How do you know this?-What does the website/product promote that these product(s) will do? -As an informed consumer, do the benefits outweigh the risks of this product? Justify why or why not.(700 words minimum)

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