solved This week we will analyze a case study by Â

This week we will analyze a case study by  Lauren Ankeles, Marine Lea Graham, Roberta Pittore and Priyanka Ramamurthy, titled Sink or Swim
After 11 months of planning, the Sloan Women in Management (SWIM) club co-presidents and two conference directors faced a difficult decision. The club’s 3rd annual conference, aptly named “Dare to Fail: Taking Risks When it Matters Most”, was scheduled to begin around the time a winter storm, fortified with up to 50 inches of snow, was predicted to hit the Boston area. At 2:00 pm the day before the conference was to begin, the leadership team needed to decide whether the show would go on, be modified, or be canceled altogether.
Learning Objective

To facilitate a discussion on making decisions under pressure, when the available information is insufficient;
Team dynamics and facilitating a productive discussion under duress when there is no single decision maker;
Managing people over whom you have no authority; and, defining and maintaining an organization’s brand.


Follow guidelines for writing a case study analysis are provided in the Course Resource module. These guidelines were adopted from the Ashford University Writing Center
Case analysis report must be written according to APA standards.
Case Study Analysis Grading Rubric

3 Points
2 Points
1 Point
Of Main Issues/Problems
Identifies and
Demonstrates a
understanding of the main issues/problems
in the case study.
Identifies and
Demonstrates an
understanding of
most of the issues/problems.
Identifies and demonstrates
Acceptable understanding of
some of the
in the case study.
And Evaluation of Issues/Problems
Presents an insightful
And thorough
Analysis of all
Identified issues/problems;
Includes all
Necessary calculations.
Presents a thorough
Analysis of most
Of the issues
identified; missing
some necessary
Presents a
Superficial or
Incomplete analysis of Some of the
Identified issues;
Omits necessary
Recommendations on Effective
Strategies/Biblical Perspective
Supports diagnosis
And opinions
With strong
Arguments and
Well documented
evidence; presents
a balanced and
critical view; presents a biblical perspective;
is both reasonable
and objective.
Supports diagnosis
And opinions with
Limited reasoning
And evidence;
Presents a somewhat one sided argument; presents a biblical perspective; demonstrates little
engagement with
ideas presented.
Little or no Action suggested, and/or inappropriate solutions proposed
to the issues in
the case study.
Links to Course Readings and Additional Research
Makes appropriate and Powerful connections between identified
issues/ problems
and the strategic
concepts studied
in the program/ course readings and
lectures; supplements case
study with relevant and thoughtful research and
documents all
sources of
Makes appropriate
But somewhat
Vague connections
Between identified
and concepts
studied in program/ course readings
and lectures;
limited command
of the analytical
tools studied;
supplements case
study with limited
Makes inappropriate or little connection
Between issues
Identified and
The concepts
Studied in the program/course readings; supplements case
study, if at all, with incomplete research and documentation.
Writing Mechanics
And Formatting
clarity, conciseness
and correctness;
formatting is
appropriate and
writing is free
of grammar and
spelling errors based on APA style manual
Occasional grammar
Or spelling errors,
But still a clear
Presentation of ideas; lacks
Organization based on APA style manual
Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious
errors; poorly
organized and
does not follow
specified guidelines based on APA style manual.
Case Analysis Rubric
This table lists criteria and criteria group names in the first column. The first row lists level names and includes scores if the rubric uses a numeric scoring method. You can give feedback on each criterion by tabbing to the add feedback buttons in the table. Criteria Exemplary
Criterion Score
Identification Of Main Issues/Problems

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