solved Case Study 3: George George is the fourth child of

Case Study 3: George

George is the fourth child of Nathan and Mary. His parents reported that George’s development was fairly normal. He was not too fussy, and he slept and ate well. By George’s second birthday his parents noticed some behaviors that made them concerned. He became very resistant to hugs or cuddling from anyone. If distressed, he would still not seek comfort from his parents like his siblings did. George was also slower than his older siblings in reaching some developmental milestones like sitting up without assistance and crawling. George was able to babble but was not developing any speech. In addition, he often ignored his parents. For example, simple requests such as “Do you want an apple?” or “Come here” elicited no response from George. When playing with his toys, he would often repeatedly spin the wheels of his toy cars and trucks. Sometimes his attention would go to the ceiling fan in the living room, which he could sit and watch for long periods of time. As a toddler, one of George’s favorite things to do was play with spice jars. He would play with them for hours if left alone and cry if the jars were taken away from him or if the spice cabinet door was locked for the day. When George gets upset, or if his routine changes in any way, he will bang his head on the floor. Now, at the age of 3, his speech is still not developmentally appropriate, and he has started displaying some concerning behavior toward the family dog. He often pulls on the dog’s tail or ears and does not react to the dog’s obvious pain. Sometimes George will play with his siblings if prompted by his parents, but his family members aren’t sure if he has any friends at daycare. George’s parents took him to a pediatrician who performed a physical and neurological examination. George was found to be in good health and the neurological evaluation showed nothing abnormal. 
Q1. Based on the above information and the DSM 5, what might a psychologist diagnose this client with? Please provide a primary diagnosis and at least two separate differential diagnoses. Describe in detail how you ruled out your differential diagnoses and provide justification for your primary diagnosis. (Maximum of three pages)
Q2. Based on what you learned in this class and the information provided in the case, what course of treatment would a mental health team recommend?(Maximum 1 page)
Q3. Based on what you have learned in this course and the information provided in the case, what are the possible developmental (which includes cognitive, social, and emotional considerations across the lifespan) and socio-cultural considerations that may have contributed to this disorder’s development?
(Maximum 1 page)
Submit your answer via a Microsoft word document or pdf. Reference the rubric to ensure the quality and content of your answer meets the standards.
Please ensure you identify the following components in your responses.

Delineate the question you are answering which can be symbolized by the question # (e.g. Q1)
Q1 should identify the primary diagnosis and at least two diagnoses you ruled out(e.g. at least 1 primary diagnosis and at least two different diagnoses that you ruled out). Explain why how your primary diagnosis is consistent with DSM-5 criteria based on the information presented in the vignette. It should also clearly show why you selected each rule out, and why you ruled it out. This answer should be thorough and concise.
Q2 should demonstrate an understanding of the developmental considerations in the case, how they influence the diagnosis and how they should be considered in the course of treatment.
Q3 should demonstrate a treatment plan based on research, the textbook, details provided in the case (e.g. developmental, and sociocultural factors), and the primary diagnosis you selected.
Use an APA intext citation if you use direct quotes from the book or the DSM-5 provide a reference page if and use in-text citations if you use other sources. If you are only using the DSM-5 and the textbook for reference and are not using direct language from the textbook or the DSM-5 you can simply state per the DSM-5 or the textbook
DO NOT include the instruction or the stem of the question on the document you submit as this will cause unnecessarily increase your percentage of likelihood of plagiarism on

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