solved Length: 2 pages single spaced min, 12 point font, reasonable

Length: 2 pages single spaced min, 12 point font, reasonable margins. Instructions/Overview: Pick a peer-reviewed anthropological article from an ACADEMIC JOURNAL written within the last 10 years to read, summarize, critique, and share with the class. This assignment with help you become more aware of the type of research taking place in anthropology today. Here are some key points to keep in mind:An academic journal is not like a normal magazine. It is a peer reviewed academic publication that only published rigorous academic work from people in a specific field. Each journal will usually focus on a very specific aspect of an academic discipline such Ethnography or Cultural Studies in the case of anthropology. Research submitted is peer reviewed in the sense that the journal will hire other academics to check or validate the work done in a submission and once other professionals have okayed the work as valid using their own internal criteria will it then be considered for publication. In some cases even experiments might be replicated to check the validity of the work and the conclusions. You CANNOT use normal magazines or webpages for this assignment since they are NOT peer reviewed academic journals. So the following and others like them cannot be used and if a student does use of these I will either give them a very low grade or ask them to rewrite it: Sources like National Geographic, Discover Magazine, various news outlets, etc cannot be used.It must be an article from one of the 4 fields on anthropology- archaeology, linguistics, physical anthropology, or socio-cultural anthropology. It is key that the viewpoint of the writer is anthropological and not other disciplines such as history, psychology, or political science.When you write the paper I want to see your well argued thoughts and opinions about what you have read so at a minimum you need to address the questions that I laid out for you below but feel free to discuss other aspects of the article that interest you as well. Feel free to email your article choice if you want to make sure that it will qualify and I will be happy to take a look at it for you. Also feel free to attend the third synch session on this paper or to review the recording afterwards.I also have an example paper attached above if you want to see what I am looking for as well. How to access the journal database offered by the City Colleges to search for an article to use:You will need to login with your information to access the databases once you select one from the library database webpage located here: City Colleges Library Database LinkOnce you login if you do choose the EBSCO database then the next page asks you which databases you want to include in your search, select all at the top to get the most results.Make sure to look for or select an option if available to only see search results with full text articles otherwise you might only find ones with short summaries. Also if you can select journal article only in your results in order to filter out videos or books. When you do your search in any of the databases you choose, make sure to search for both the word “anthropology” and your topic of interest so for example “anthropology art”. There are a lot of different types of journals in these databases and many are not anthropology related so this is important to keep in mind. Just to reemphasize your paper must be on a journal article. Webpages, newspapers and other articles from magazines like National Geographic and others will not qualify. If you do not use a journal article you will need to rewrite the paper so please keep that in mind. Make sure to cite your article in your work in APA format so take note of the information when looking at your article.Make sure to address all of the following in your journal article review once you have an article chosen:You should paraphrase the main points of the article in your own words. About half a page. How did the author’s test their theories?What are the author’s conclusions?Did the author make a compelling argument for their case? Did it seem reasonable or biased? Why?Why did you choose this article? What interested you about it?Discuss one anthropological idea you learned in the article and what you learned about it. Be specific and if you would like use the text to get ideas or reach out to me feel free. Cite the article in APA format.

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