solved Big-Box Retail ExpansionIn 2012, Target expanded its business into Canada.

Big-Box Retail ExpansionIn 2012, Target expanded its business into Canada. The proximity to the U.S. as well as Canadians’ familiarity with the brand made expansion across the border seem like a natural step for the retail powerhouse. However, after only two years, Target faced $2 billion in losses and announced plans to close all of its Canadian stores. Walmart became the largest retailer in the U.S. through superior logistics, cost-cutting, site selection, and a relentless push to focus on low prices. The company assumed the same strategy would work in the rest of the world…but it has not quite gone according to plan. The company has had success in North America, including Mexico. In China, there has been some success with the bricks-and-mortar stores but little with its online presence. Walmart packed up its locations in Germany and Japan and is considering selling off parts or all of its British chain (once the poster child for international expansion). In 2006, Home Depot bought the Chinese home improvement company Home Way and its 12 stores in the country. With its booming economy and strong real estate market, China seemed like it would be an easy win for America’s home improvement giant. However, by 2012 Home Depot closed the last seven of its 12 original stores. Questions:1) Why are big-box stores that are so popular in the United States (and often in Canada and Mexico) failing overseas? Be sure to use the expansion criteria from the chapter in your analysis.2) Do you think these companies should attempt expansion again? Explain why or why not. If so, what should they do differently? Walmart is currently trying to break into India. What suggestions do you have regarding this expansion? For instructions on how to upload this assignment through, please review this instructional video Submitting a Case Study through (Links to an external site.).Grading RubricCriteriaRatingsContent50 ptsThe essay answers the question clearly with sufficient explanation. It reflects original thought, sound logic and provides ample supporting detail, which needs references and citations. This will make for a strong, convincing response. The writer projects a consistent and mature voice throughout the response.44 ptsThe essay answers the question clearly. It meets most of the criteria of the 50 points with one or more minor errors.38 ptsThe essay answers the question clearly but is lacking in explanation and provides less than ample supporting detail to make for a strong, convincing response.25 ptsThe essay does not answer the question clearly but rather via implied logic. The writer frequently fails to satisfy the reader’s desire for proof or illustration. Overall, the response seems mechanical, reflecting little awareness of audience.5 ptsThe essay answer is vague and supporting evidence is irrelevant, or the thinking is illogical. The writer seldom develops enough points using sufficient concrete detail. The proportion of generalities to specific support or illustration is inappropriately high.Presents Specifics from the Applicable Chapter/Content30 ptsThe essay provides multiple references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials. Page numbers included. 15 ptsThe essay provides some references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.While some references to the chapter content are provided, they are either not clearly linked to the chapter (ex: “on page XX”) or not enough to fully relate the case questions to the learned material.0 ptsThe essay provides no references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.Sentence Structure, Grammar, Mechanics, and Spelling20 ptsAll sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.16 ptsMost sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes a few errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling, but they do not interfere with understanding.10 ptsMost sentences are well constructed, but they have a similar structure and/or length. The author makes several errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.5 ptsSentences sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or are difficult to understand. The author makes numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.

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