solved This assignment has 5 sections that include a: Summary –

This assignment has 5 sections that include a:

Summary – In at least 200 words, summarize the module’s main themes presented in the readings and lectures.

Your work should be thought through and provide an objective thorough synthesis of the overarching themes.  
Write in complete sentences.
No need to provide citation for class material.  However, If used outside references or quoting any work (including from the book or course material), please cite based on APA format.  This includes appropriate in-text citations.  
Limit quotes in your summary, no more that 10% of your summary.  Your summary should be in your own words. 

Key terms – List and define key terms and concepts presented in the module’s readings and lectures.

Provide at least 2 from this module.

Important places – What were some of the important places discussed in the readings and lectures and why they were important.

Provide at least 2 from this module. 

Important People – Who were some of theimportant individuals discussed in the readings and lectures and what did they do or why were they important?  

Provide at least 2 from this module.

Quiz Questions – Create two test questionsand provide the correct answers based on the module’s readings and lectures.  

These could ask about the general themes and concepts, key terms, or important individuals.
You could create multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching, etc.
Note, some of these may be used on the exams

Document should follow the provided template.  Module Summary Template.docx
Learning Objectives

Understand different approaches to nature.
Know the four philosophies of utilitarianism, progressive conservation, environmentalism, and preservation.
Know where the four philosophies fall on the anthropocentric / biocentric continuum.
Understand the Hetch Hetchy controversy and how it defined the progressive conservation philosophy (represented by Gifford Pinchot) and the preservation philosophy (represented by John Muir).

Key Terms, People, & Places
Utilitarianism, progressive conservation, environmentalism, preservation, Hetch Hetchy, Yosemite, Forest Service, common good, Tuolumne River, Hydroelectric Power, Sierra Club, San Francisco, Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, Franklin Lane.

Nash, R. F. (2014). Ch 10: Hetch Hetchy. Wilderness and the American Mind (5th ed., pp.161-181). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Runte, A. (1997). New Parks, Enduring Perspectives. National Parks: The American Experience (3rd ed., pp. 65-81). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Runte, A. (1997). See America First. National Parks: The American Experience (3rd ed., 82-105). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Since Hetch Hetchy, no one has tried to use a national park for profit like that. But this “bioprospecting” is an example of potential profit to be made in a national park. Read about it…how is the situation of bioprospecting similar to and different from Hetch Hetchy?

Bioprospecting in Yellowstone article 2
Learning Objectives

Understand Aldo Leopold’s and Rachel Carson’s significance in the ecology movement.
Be able to explain the concepts of environmental ethics.
Develop a base knowledge of the idea of wilderness preservation.
Understand how pesticides have a long term effect on the environment.
Understand the concept of bioaccumulation.
Key Terms & People
Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, Pesticides, Biocides, Silent Spring, Sand County Almanac, land ethic, ecology, progress, technology, responsibility of science, DDT, limits of technological progress, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson.Readings

Nash, R. F. (2014). Ch 11: Aldo Leopold: Prophet. Wilderness and the American Mind (5th ed., pp.182-199). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Aldo Leopold (1990). A Land Ethic. In R. F. Nash (Ed.), American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History (3rd ed., pp. 171-174). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
Natural Resources Defense Council’s article on Rachel Carson and Silent Spring.
Rachel Carson (1990). Ch 30: Pesticides. In R. F. Nash (Ed.), American Environmentalism: Readings in Conservation History (3rd ed., pp. 191-194). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.
Bioaccumulation, This article describes “bioaccumulation” or the accumulation of toxic substances in organisms.
Biomagnification, This article describes biomagnification, or the way toxic substances can get more and more concentrated as they move up the food chain.

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