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“What accounted for the resurgence of East-West tension after 1975?“

Useful Readings:
• Best, et. al., International History of the Twentieth Century and Beyond, pp. 357-363 and chapter 11.
• Kissinger, Diplomacy, chs. 28 & 29.
• Frank Dikötter, “Looking back on the Great Leap Forward,” History Today, vol 66, no 8
(August 2016),
• Robert G. Kaiser, “U.S.-Soviet Relations: Goodbye to Détente,” Foreign Affairs vo. 59, no. 3 (1980)
• Jeanne Kirkpatrick, “Dictatorships and Double Standards,” Commentary (1979). Theory reading:
• Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith, “Domestic Explanations of International Relations,” Annual Review of Political Science 15 (2012): 161-181.
Extra Readings that may be usuful:
• Evelyn Goh, “Nixon, Kissinger, and the ‘Soviet Card’ in the U.S. Opening to China, 1971–1974,” Diplomatic History, Vol. 29, No. 3 (June 2005).
• Sarah B. Snyder, “Through the Looking Glass: The Helsinki Final Act and the 1976 Election for President,” Diplomacy and Statecraft 21:1 (March 2010): 87-106.
• Sarah B. Snyder, “Americans” Human Rights Activism in the Long 1960s,” European Journal of Human Rights 2 (2016) 221-33.
• Sarah B. Snyder, From Selma to Moscow: How Human Rights Activists Transformed U.S. Foreign Policy (Columbia University Press, 2018).
• Sarah B. Snyder, Human Rights Activism and the End of the Cold War: A Transnational History of the Helsinki Network (Cambridge University Press, 2011).
• Raymond Garthoff, Detente and Confrontation: American-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan (1982),…

• Odd Arne Westad, “The Great Transformation: China in the 1970s,” in Niall Ferguson,
et. al, eds., The Shock of the Global (Belknap, 2010).
• M.Y. Prozumenschikov, “The Sino-Indian Conflict, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Sino-
Soviet Split, October 1962: New Evidence from the Russian Archives,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin,… df
• Daniel J. Sargent, A Superpower Transformed (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).
• Hal Brands, “Progress Unseen: U.S. Arms Control Policy and the Origins of Détente, 1963–
1968,” Diplomatic History 30, no. 2 (2006): 253–85.
• Hedley Bull, “Kissinger: The Primacy of Geopolitics”, International Affairs (1980).
• Robert Dallek, Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power (2007).
• Dong Wang, “The Quarrelling Brothers: New Chinese Archives and a Reappraisal of the
Sino-Soviet Split, 1959-1962,” CWIHP Working Paper No. 49,…
• Yang Kuisong, “The Sino-Soviet Border Clash of 1969,” Cold War History, vol. 1, no. 1 (August 2000), pp. 21-52.
• W. Burr, “Sino-American Relations, 1969: The Sino-Soviet Border War and Steps Towards Rapprochement,” Cold War History, vol. 1, no. 3 (2001).
• Amardeep Athwal, “The United States and the Sino-Soviet Split,” The Journal of Slavic Military Studies vol. 17, no. 2 (2004).
• M. E. Sarotte, Dealing with the Devil: East Germany, Détente, and Ostpolitik, 1969-1973 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001).
• John L. Gaddis, Strategies of Containment (1982), chs. 9 and 10.
• John L. Gaddis, “The Rise, Fall and Future of Détente” Foreign Affairs (Winter 1983/84).
• Jonathan Haslam, Russia’s Cold War: From the October Revolution to the Fall of the Wall
(2011), ch. 8-10.
• Beatrice Heuser, “Warsaw Pact Military Doctrines in the 1970s and 1980s: Findings in the East German Archives,” Comparative Strategy vol. 12, no. 4 (1993), pp. 437-457.
• Noam Kochavi, “Insights Abandoned, Flexibility Lost: Kissinger, Soviet Jewish Emigration, and the Demise of Détente,” Diplomatic History vol. 29, no. 3 (2005), pp. 503-530.
• Melvyn P. Leffler, For the Soul of Mankind. The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War (2007), ch. IV.
• Richard W. Stevenson, The Rise and Fall of Détente (1985).
• Steve Weber, “Realism, Detente, and Nuclear Weapons,” International Organization, Vol.
44, No. 1 (Winter, 1990), pp. 55-82.
• Odd Arne Westad, ed., The Fall of Détente: Soviet-American Relations During the Carter
Years (1997).
• Vladislav Zubok, “The Soviet Union and détente of the 1970s,” Cold War History Vol. 8, Iss.
4 (2008). 

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