solved Banking Concept essay, step one: Begin by analyzing your past

Banking Concept essay, step one: Begin by analyzing your past experiences in the following the grades: (K-5th grade) elementary school, (6th-8th grade) middle school, (9th-12th grade) high school, and community college and beyond. On a chart that you create, list any impactful experiences you had during your elementary school, middle school, high school, and college years whether positive or negative. Then go back, and analyze whether or not the experiences that impacted you in elementary school, middle school, high school, and college were a part of the banking concept style of education, the problem posing style of education, or was it a mixture of the two styles? If so, please specify what kind of mix you experienced during your years of schooling. Was it 50/50 or was it 60/40 in favor of the problem posing style? Please be specific. The more information that you put into this step, the easier it will be to write your essay. Good luck.
2 Examples:
K-5th grade: I attended a “fundamental school” for 4th and 5th grade where the teachers were empowered to spank students. This was a very banking concept way of learning that caused me to be fearful of my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Squires. This was a negative banking concept style experience for me.
6th-8th grade: I was allowed to plan my school schedule for the first time by choosing to take classes in the following subjects: art, math, English, P.E., and social studies. I participated in an English class where the students were encouraged to give input to the teacher and helped plan out the reading assignments. Class size was small, and we had lots of individual attention from the instructor. This was a positive Problem-Posing experience for me.
Directions: Using your Banking Concept essay brainstorm chart, draft a 1 page outline for your essay. The length of the essay will be a minimum of five pages. Your outline chart should be drafted using bulleted points except for the thesis statement and any quotes that you may choose to include in your essay. Use the essay prompt and the example provided below to help guide you in creating an outline for your Banking Concept essay.
Banking Concept Essay prompt/topic: Write an essay that focuses on rich and illustrative incidents from your own educational experience and read it (that is, interpret it) as Freire would. You will need to provide careful detail: things that were said and done, perhaps the exact wording of an assignment, a textbook, or a teacher’s comments. And you will need to turn to the language of Freire’s argument, to take key phrases and passages and see how they might be used to analyze your educational experiences from kindergarten to community college.
Example of an outline on Panopticism:
I. Introduction
A. give the reader some background information on the creation of the panopticon
a.) Creation panopticon is tied to the “Black Death” during the Dark ages
b.) Foucault quote: “the exile of the leper and the arrest of the plague do not bring with them the same political dream” (Foucalut 224).
B. describes uses of panopticons during Europe’s dark ages
C. give a few examples of 20th century panopticons
D. thesis statement: Without question, oppressive panopticism in 2020 is used: throughout Europe as a means of spying on the populace, as a method of maintaining fascist-like control over minority populations, as a system that offers European police more power to violate the rights of individuals, and as means for governments’ to invade the privacy of millions.
II. Panopotic Survieillance Techniques
A. Use of traffic cameras
B. Use of ATM and bank machine cameras
C. Hidden cameras on subways and trains
III. Examples of Police Using Fascism to Control Minority Populations
A. The passing of laws making it mandatory for inmates to have a tracking microchip implanted
B. The implementation of 2nd ID cards for religious minorities
C. Denying entry into European colleges based on Facebook’s racial profiles
IV. Police’s power to violate citizens’ and individual’s rights
A. Some European police are empowered to shoot first with no warning shots
B. Some European police do not have to start the charge for the arrest
C. Bail is not always possible depending on if the police deem the suspects terrorists
V. European governments ability to invade privacy of millions of people
A. Use of a European database to monitor religious minorities
B. Use of a “ban” list against Americans who voice “far-left” political beliefs
VI. Conclusion
A. Wrap up and analyze how Panopciticism has given governments control for over 400 years in Europe.
B. ?

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