solved Use the attached reading only, please!1.Discussion Board (26%): You will

Use the attached reading only, please!1.Discussion Board (26%): You will be required to post one answer, and one comment in the discussion board each week. a.I will post at least one discussion question related to the topic and relevant readings at the beginning of each week. The discussion questions will usually be broad to allow the responses from a wide spectrum. You are required to post your answer to the professor’s discussion question(s). You are required to post one answer with minimum 250 words long. You are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 100 words long. •To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings and information from other pertaining resources, and they expand the idea presented and contribute to the discussion.2.Weekly Question( 13 %): You are required to submit at least one question from the weekly readings assigned•The question whether it is factual or fictitious, should provoke thought and criticism relevant to the weekly class readings.•A question such as “Has there been more research conducted on [the weekly topic]” is not an acceptable one.•The purpose of the “weekly question” the assignment is to promote your critical thinking, but not to receive an answer. Please do not expect a reply to your every question. •Your “weekly questions” must be substantially different from the question I posted on the Discussion Board.2-____________________________________________________________1-DiscussionTaylor and Horgan propose a “process” model of involvement in terrorism. They discuss the role of opportunities, ideology, rational calculations (i.e. “risk” and “benefit” calculations), social background, organizational context, “setting events”, and other contextual and individual factors. In your opinion, what are the two most important elements in the involvement process? Please explain your answer.2-Weekly QuestionPost a question relevant to the readings. The question of whether it is factual or fictitious should provoke thought and criticism relevant to the weekly class readings.3-write a commentYou are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 100 words long. •To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings.Student#1 is for part 3- write a comment. write a response for this student discussion. Your comment will be at least 100 words longStudent#1The process which Taylor and Horgan outline is quite complex and offers no simple outline for the process of involvement in terrorism. It is difficult to determine the two most important elements simply because it varies based on the type of terrorism. The circumstances surrounding different types of terrorism are so significant, that it is difficult to generalize. In my opinion, the two most important elements of this process are the distal setting events (family, early experiences, culture, and socialization), and community of practice within the process category (Taylor and Horgan 2007). Regarding the setting events, this is the foundation of terrorist behavior which is particularly unique to terrorists. It is important to include all elements within this setting because it is the combination of these circumstances which leads to the terrorist development. The experiences that people share within a community—often the dissatisfaction with these circumstances—leads to the organization of community ideology. These circumstances are effectively one root of the development of a terrorist. These foundational elements create the psychological framework which develops terrorists separately from other types of criminals. Further, since many terrorists who have been interviewed discuss having no other choice, the community access setting is also paramount when it comes to getting involved in a terrorist organization. When the community and society a person resides in offers little flexibility in choices, there is a greater chance that the person will choose to submit to the group in power in exchange for their safety. Also, having simplified pathways to accessing a terrorist organization make the process of involvement easier. The combination of foundational ideology/emotional state with community setting can be a toxic pair, leading people to terrorist involvement.

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