solved Part 1 – Relationship Advice (max 2 pages) : Select

Part 1 – Relationship Advice (max 2 pages) : Select one of the pieces of “relationship advice” that are showcased throughout the novel. This advice (often quite dated/old fashioned) appears at the beginning of many of the chapters and is sprinkled throughout the book by the various characters. 
Copy that piece of advice, in quotes, into your paper. Include a citation with the page number(s). Begin by demonstrating your understanding of the advice – what exactly is it “advising”? What does the advice mean (no more than 1 paragraph)? Then, by making connections to course content, outline what drew you to that quote and what it says about relationships and/or gender roles past, and how it may continue to permeate gender roles today. Be sure to provide examples from the fiction book (Karma Brown), course textbook, and lectures/extended content to substantiate your critique. Conclude this section by “rewriting” or creating your own modern version of the advice you selected that you would give to a person in an intimate relationship. Provide some justification for your “re-write” by referencing course content about why this advice is better. (Part 1: Max 2 double-spaced pages)
Part 2 – Theme Analysis (max 3 pages) :
Select ONE (1) theme/issue from the list below that plays out in Recipe for a Perfect Wife. Provide your analysis – connecting the analysis of the fiction book theme to course content (slides, external links, and textbook). Remember: this assignment requires that you demonstrate your understanding of course concepts by applying them to the characters (and their experiences) in the fiction novel. 
Choose one theme only for your analysis (not multiple themes) – you do not have enough space to deeply analyze more than one theme.
Here are some suggestions for a theme you might like to write about:

Relationship dynamics and interplay with gender
Sexuality/Relationship (in)fidelity
Marriage/Relationship goals/Becoming a “Mrs.”
Family of Origin and how those experiences impact/influence one’s own relationship
LGBTQ+ (presence/absence)
How the concept of relationship “choices” plays out in this novel
Dating/Cohabiting/Selecting a partner
Inter-partner violence/abuse
Paid Work/Careers/Money & Finances
Relationship Communication/Trust/Honesty/Omissions
Housework/Gardening/Food Preparation
Planning/Not planning for children/Choosing not to have children
Pregnancy/Child Rearing

The following questions are designed to foster some thinking about your analysis.
Please do not treat these as a list of questions to be answered. They are guidelines and prompts to assist with your approach to the analysis.  Remember that the strongest papers are those where the analysis is critical and nuanced (with lots of connections to the course material).

What “relationship” behaviours are people enacting? Societal? Gender? Internal pressures?
Why do people choose relationship behaviours that appear to have a negative impact on their personal and relationship well-being? What factors influence these unexpected/less than desirable outcomes?
What norms (e.g., cultural, gendered) influence how intimate partners “make choices”?
How do people find ways to push back or get around socially expected norms for their gender/relationships?
What are the consequences of certain choices (both positive and negative)?
How can interpersonal relationship interactions be influenced by positive and/or negative behaviours? 

Part 3 -Your personal take-away/reflection (max 1 page) (worth 20/100): This book provides a challenging narrative through which to consider your own ideas and aspirations for your relational well-being — past, present, and future. This fiction book is also strongly based on white, middle-class, Western, cis-gender, heterosexual, and monogamous norms about what a coupled relationship should entail. 
Viewing this book through your own lens of experiences (e.g., your family of origin and those relationships you have witnessed/experienced, culture, race, religion, sexuality, other social locations, etc.) and any new knowledge acquired through this course and all its content, provide a one-page personal reflection (with citations to course content) on what you have learned from this course (so far). 
Some questions you may want to consider as you write and reflect:

What lessons have you learned? 
What has changed in your thinking about relationships?
What relational messaging have you received that you are now questioning and/or realize have merit?
What new goals do you have for a current or future relationship that have been influenced by this book and the accompanying course content?

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