solved Social Disorganization TheorySocial disorganization theory is a criminological theory that

Social Disorganization TheorySocial disorganization theory is a criminological theory that believes that criminal activity and delinquency result in neighborhoods where there are broken neighborhood relationships and defects in the institutions within that neighborhood preventing social control from being maintained (Snipes et al., 2019). In social disorganization theory, it is believed that poorer neighborhoods, neighborhoods with racial and ethnic diversity, and neighborhoods where individuals move in and out frequently are much more likely to become socially disorganized (Snipes et al., 2019). According to Snipes et al. (2019), studies done by Shaw and McKay as well as Bursik and Webb have shown that high crime and delinquency rates are maintained in socially disorganized neighborhoods, even in situations where the entire neighborhood population has turned over. As noted by Snipes et al. (2019), there are a variety of factors that contribute to a neighborhood being considered socially disorganized, including poverty, the mobility of the population, and ethnic heterogeneity. A study done by Wong (2012) also noted that family disruption is a major factor that can cause factors in a socially disorganized neighborhood. In this study, Wong (2012), hypothesized that since individuals from unstable families or single-parent families tend to have higher delinquency rates, it would stand to reason that individuals in neighborhoods where this type of family disorganization is common would have increased levels of social disorganization as well. In addition to the higher rates of delinquency and crimes within families that are unstable, many vulnerable families have decreased community involvement and participation and are less likely to be able to contribute to the social control mechanisms in their environment (Wong, 2012). Overall, family disruption and delinquency may result from low parental attachment, low academic achievement, and emotional problems for individuals in these environments, contributing to an overall decrease in social organization in the community (Wong, 2012).In a study done by Regoeczi & Jarvis (2011) it was also noted that social disorganization doesn’t just result in crime, it also allows for difficulties in controlling crime. In neighborhoods where crime activity is higher there is also a higher likelihood of interference with apprehending, identifying, and prosecuting criminals (Regoeczi & Jarvis, 2011). This occurs partly because of the instability and mobility of the residents who may not be familiar with the individuals committing the crimes, but also may be the result of the low level of commitment these individuals have towards ensuring that their community is safe by intervening in criminal behavior or cooperating with police investigations (Regoeczi & Jarvis, 2011).In one of the communities surrounding my area, social disorganization is clearly seen. In this particular neighborhood, low income families of multiple ethnic and racial backgrounds are present. There are a lot of apartments and a lot less actual homes for individuals, making the situation very transient at times regarding the population. The crime rates in this area have consistently risen over the past several years for a variety of reasons, and it is disturbing. There are areas within this community where you simply are scared to be at night time for safety purposes. Many times, crimes that are committed here seem to go unsolved, something that also indicates that this particularly community is socially disorganized. Having been in this area for over 20 years now, I have seen attempts at revitalizing it fail and can see how the social disorganization of this area truly impacts the overall health and safety of this community, despite the best efforts of some community members to help improve the conditions in the area. It makes policing and law enforcement rather challenging in this area and can cause quite a bit of difficulty in ensuring that there is a good working relationship between the community members and the police force in general. References:Regoeczi, W.C. & Jarvis, J.P. (2011). Beyond the social production of homicide rates: Extending social disorganization theory to explain homicide case outcomes. Justice Quarterly, 30(6), 983-1014., J.B., Bernard, T.J., & Gerould, A.L. (2019). Vold’s Theoretical Criminology (8th Ed.). Oxford University Press.Wong, S.K. (2012). Youth crime and family disruption in Canadian municipalities: An adaptation of Shaw and McKay’s social disorganization theory. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 40(2), 100-114.

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