solved The objective of the 1500‐word essay is for you to

The objective of the 1500‐word essay is for you to apply theories and analysis through the application of different topics and associated theories to your first attempt. 1. different topicsOverviewThe objective of the 1500‐word essay is for you to apply theories and concepts from the module to complete a critical analysis of selected situations when you have worked with other people. The purpose is to reflect on how you can learn from applying theories and concepts in order to develop the effectiveness of how you work with other people. A critical analysis involves applying academic source materials (theories and concepts) to explore a particular situationwhen you have worked with other people to complete certain tasks or achieve particular outcomes in the past twelve months (e.g. workshop or tutorial tasks, a group project/assignment, undertaken a voluntary or paid role, participated in a sports team) in order to develop new insights and understanding. By applying theories as an analytical lens you will be able to show your critical engagement by expressing the benefits and limitations of the theories and concepts for making sense of your selected situation. Key definitions for the assignmentCritical analysis – involves applying academic source materials (theories and concepts from peer‐reviewed journal articles and books) to understand and examine a given case or situation by recognising the underlying assumptions of the theories and concepts applied, and so appreciating how different theories and concepts have benefits and limitations for making sense of particular contexts and situations. Theory (also relates to ‘theoretical perspective’ and ‘theoretical framework’) – explains particular organizational dynamics and relations e.g. Competing Values Framework. It is a perspective, model, framework or lens that we can use to help us to understand and make sense of a given situation, organization, group, manager etc. It is not understood to be an abstract and comprehensive representation of reality or a prescriptive way to be or do things right. Critique – relates to being critical in how you apply theory. In general, you can consider two types of related critique. Firstly, ‘general critique’ that have previously been written by others about general limitations of a theory e.g. that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need is less applicable in collectivist cultures. Secondly, ‘specific or contextual critique’ that is about your judgement about how the theory does or doesn’t relate to your specific context of analysis, based on the particular individual, group and organisational dynamics involved in your study. Concept – is something that describes a particular organizational phenomenon e.g. social loafing. Situation – relates to a particular occasion when something happened (e.g. when I was working with a group of people on a specific task in a workshop or tutorial) or repeated engagement with the same people in the same setting (e.g. at a job, volunteering, participating in a sports team, completing a group assignment). Structuring your essayYour essay needs to be clearly structured as below: Introduction – explain what your essay will cover and in what order, which will include introducing the situation that you are going to analyse as well as mentioning which lecture topics and theories you will apply in your analysis. (about 150 words) Situation ‐ An account of the situation which includes information about: the background context of the group work, the task being completed, the people involved, what happened, and why you chose this situation. (about 250 words) Analysis: Topic 1 ‐ Application of theory/theories: explain briefly what theory or theories (maximum two) you are applying to the situation that is/are associated with your first chosen topic, explain what understanding you have developed about the situation by applying the theory. (about 350 words)Topic 2 ‐ Application of theory/theories: explain briefly what theory or theories (maximum two) you are applying to the situation that is/are associated with your second chosen topic, explain what understanding you have developed about the situation by applying the theory. (about 350 words) Findings and reflections – bring together the key understanding from your application of theory. Explain what you think is the value of the theories for analysing your chosen situation of working with others. What are the benefits and limitations of the theories applied for making sense of your particular situation? From your analysis do you agree with assumptions about how people behave which underpin the theories applied? From what you have learnt from your analysis how will you improve the ways you work with other people in the future? (about 400 words)

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