solved Answer the following questions in short answer form (see page

Answer the following questions in short answer form (see page minimums per question). Make sure your name is on your work, as well as the class name (Sociology 300 SCC). Upload your work to the Assignment link before the deadline for the assignment!! You are welcome to either answer each question on a separate page or all in one document — keeping the minimum length for each question in mind.Go to (Links to an external site.) . Scroll down this site and choose one of the several news stories that sounds interesting to you (note — there are multiple pages of story choices!), click on it and read it, and then summarize the article and what you learned in approximately one paragraph. (minimum 1/2 page, double spaced, not including header)Define ethnocentrism (see text chapter 2 and (Links to an external site.) for reference). Next, read about the Nacirema (Links to an external site.) (link). After reading about this group, answer the following questions –Who are the Nacirema?? An isolated tribe in the Caribbean?? A now extinct primitive tribe in North America?? Americans?? What makes you think so?? What point do you think Miner was trying to make about ethnocentrism??(minimum 1 page — inclusive of definition and answers to above questions — double spaced, not including headeIt’s often difficult not to be ethnocentric; we often think we understand the meaning of things when in fact our perspective is at best a very limited one. Let’s explore this possibility by looking at the following short articles — The Question of Hijab: Suppression or Liberation? (Links to an external site.) [http:\//] and Young Muslim Women Are Reclaiming the Hijab (Links to an external site.). [http:\//] (for more information about women and Islam in the postmodern era, see Women, Islam and the 21st Century (Links to an external site.) [] website; scroll down the site a bit for this discussion). These readings examine the veil in Islamic tradition —something that many Westerners think epitomizes the subjugation of women in Islamic societies. After reading through these articles, did these websites make you feel that you may have been ethnocentric in your view of the meaning of the veil in an Islamic society? Discuss, explaining what this website seems to be saying about women and the wearing of the veil. (minimum 1/2 page, double spaced, not including header)”Consumerism, the concept that an increasing consumption of goods is greatly beneficial to the economy was an intentional shift from product utility to desires…. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, the availability of consumer goods greatly increased and for the first time consumers could choose to purchase goods because they wanted to rather than out of need. The rapid expansion of the advertising industry in the 1920s—when American corporations began linking mass-produced goods to unconscious desires—dramatically changed patterns of consumption around the world. Automobiles, television sets, clothing, and household appliances became widely used to express cultural values, and began to take on meaning and shape lifestyles. Consequences of mass consumption include severe environmental degradation, conflict over limited resources, health issues, unsustainable personal debt, and more.” (reference: the following (approximately 30 minutes), then answer the questions posted below –(for a written summary, click e-notes (Links to an external site.))THE OVERSPENT AMERICA – WHY WE WANT WHAT WE DON’T NEED (Links to an external site.) Americans are working longer hours with less leisure time than in the past. According to sociologist Juliet Schor, this is partially the result of “competitive consumption,” or the drive to have more than those around us do. According to Schor, we increasingly compare ourselves—and our stuff—with both peers and those earning significantly more that we do, creating an endless attempt to acquire and display the trappings of wealth. This leads to greater debt and damage to the environment.What role does consumerism play in your life? What role does it play in shaping your sense of self?What is competitive consumption? Have you observed this among your peers?What is “upscale emulation”? What do you think causes this to happen?Do you think consumerism will decrease over the next 10 years? Why or why not? What would be some of the consequences of decreased consumerism in the U.S.?(minimum 1 page, double spaced, not including header)

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