solved You are part of a student organization at UCR that

You are part of a student organization at UCR that offers peer education on issues of gender and sexuality. A high school social studies teacher has invited you to give a presentation to 11th-grade students about gender inequality. The teacher has asked you to focus your talk to the students on how people learn about gender and how gender is enforced. Since your time in the class is limited, you and the teacher agree that you will focus on two of any of the mechanisms that seek to promote compliance with dominant norms of gender and sexuality that you have already learned about: socialization, regulation, stigmatization, pathologizing, criminalization, and/or victimization. Your presentation will explain how the two mechanisms you’re addressing support the reproduction of existing hierarchies of gender and sexuality by teaching, policing, punishing, and/or rewarding specific ideas about, and practices of, gender and sexuality, including how people learn about and are expected to comply with expectations for masculinity and femininity. Explain how each mechanism operates and with what effects on individuals, groups, and society as a whole. In the script for your presentation, be sure to explain/define key terms you are using and to integrate meaningfully at least three course readings assigned in Weeks Five, Six, or Seven. The script (or what you plan to say to the students) for your lecture to the high school class will be evaluated using the following criteria:
Does the script have a clear introduction that introduces the main ideas of the presentation?
Does the script identify and explain clearly two mechanisms that support the reproduction of existing ideas about, and practices of, gender and sexuality, as discussed in Weeks 5-8 of GSST 1S?
Does the script make clear how each of the two mechanisms operates and with what effects on individuals, groups, and society as a whole?
Does the script include definitions of key terms and concepts in language that would be clear and understandable for high school students?
Does the script meaningfully incorporate at least three course readings assigned during Weeks Five, Six, or Seven?
Does the script correctly and effectively make use of course material?
Is the presentation script written clearly and coherently?
Is the script free of typographical errors, run-on and incomplete sentences, verb/noun incongruence, and other writing problems?
Is the script no longer than 4 double-spaced pages using a reasonable (11-12 point) font and no smaller than 1” margins?
Does the script include in-text citations (Steinem 1978) for works cited?
Please submit your paper no later than Friday, November 12, at 11:59pm via Canvas.Common Questions about PapersMay I use the first person (“I”) voice?Yes, please do! You would be giving this presentation, so it should be in your voice. What is meaningful incorporation of a course reading?
Meaningful incorporation means using a reading in such a way that reflects your understanding of the content and that advances the argument you are making. As much as possible, use your own words rather than quote directly from the reading. This helps convey your understanding of the material. Be sure to also use those readings that make the most sense for the argument you are making in your blog post. Do not assume that your reader has read or knows the content of the material you integrate; instead, provide appropriate context (For example, “In her autobiographical essay about her experiences as an intersex person, Cheryl Chase writes about….”). Do I need citations?In-text citations are expected for materials assigned in this course. If you only use materials assigned in this course, you do not need to include a bibliography. To cite a reading, use the author’s name and the date of publication; to cite video material, use the name of the speaker or director and, if a course lecture video, the title of the video. You are not expected to do outside research for this paper, but if you do use outside sources, please provide an in-text citation and a bibliography listing the details for the outside sources. You may use any widely-accepted citation style: APA, ASA, Chicago Manual of Style, AMA—as long as you are consistent. Any bibliography does not count towards your total page length. How long should my paper be?Your paper should be no longer than four double-spaced pages in a standard 12-point font, excluding references. If your paper is three pages or shorter, it’s highly likely that you have not adequately addressed the topic of the paper. Here is the reading link:………

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