solved Please Read The Attached Files. My Client: United Way

Please Read The Attached Files.
My Client: United Way
United Way has 1,800 local nonprofit fundraising affiliates. And United Way has more than 200,000 fans in Twitter and Facebook, which is sufficient content to be analyzed. Please analyze its social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram).

Listening Tools: 

Google Alerts
Brand Mentions (7-day free trial)
Board Reader (for message boards)
Tweetdeck (Twitter)
Union Metrics (Instagram)
Google Trends
Note that Facebook is missing…

Attached File Content:
Your paper should include the following sections. 
1. Executive Summary 

Insert the key learnings from the audit and brief summary of your recommendation in this section. This is similar to the abstract for an academic or research paper. Limit this section to one paragraph. 

2. Client Background 

Provide a brief explanation of your client, its audience(s), its organizational goals, its primary competitor(s), and its communication goals in this section. If it does not have any, note that, and explain why. Include a brief description of how it provides its key services/products to its audiences. Limit this section to no more than four paragraphs. 

3. Audit Method 
In this section, explain the following in no more than two paragraphs: 

What was the scope of the audit?  
What tools did you use? 

4. Online Presence Analysis 
This section should thoroughly answer the following questions in no more than four paragraphs. Provide up to two screenshots that illustrate any of the below: 

What does your client’s overall digital presence look like? Provide as objective a review as possible.  
Evaluate your client’s website (primary website, if it has several): is it up to date? What purpose does, or should, it? Is it fulfilling that purpose? Is it integrated with any microsites?  
How does your client’s overall online presence stack up in comparison to its competitors? 
Review the organization’s search engine results (using a major search engine, such as Google or Bing). Does the first page of results point to its website and social profiles? Does anything negative or inaccurate come up? What happens when you search for the category, rather than the organization by name? What are the results of reverse searches, if any? 

5. Social Footprint Analysis 
Following from the online presence analysis, now present an overview of the client’s social media footprint. Detail the following as you draft this section, which should be no longer than six paragraphs.

What about the client’s social media presence? Give an overview of its social media channels. Include the follower/fan count of each, and also evaluate post frequency, audience interaction with posts, etc. 
Analyze the content that is posted to its primary social media channels: what is the cadence of posts? Do they seem to post too much or too little? How active/responsive are the fans? What sort of content seems to resonate? 
Compare and contrast your client’s social media presence to the same competitor(s) identified in the website evaluation, i.e. the previous section. 

6. Conversation Analysis 
In this section, present a deeper analysis of top-line findings from the previous section, which focuses specifically on relevant online conversation, if any. Use the following questions to respond to and inform this section, which should be limited to six paragraphs. Include up to two screenshots of conversations you have found. 

How much conversation is taking place online about your client?  
Where does it take place (e.g. blogs, forums, Facebook, Twitter, media coverage, etc.)? 
Is your client mentioned in any blogs? Are they relevant? Are the articles/posts favorable to your client or not?  
Is your client mentioned in news articles online? How do these articles and blog posts affect your client’s reputation online?  How/where are these articles being shared and among whom?   
What major themes have emerged about your client? Provide examples verbatim or as screenshots. 
Have any influencers emerged? (i.e. people who are talking about your brand and appear to have a large influence – measured by the number of followers they have, the outlet they write for, etc.). 
Are you able to gauge sentiment (positive/negative/neutral) from evaluating the online conversation around your client? 

7. Opportunities/Recommendations 
This is the final section of your paper, and should be limited to eight paragraphs. Respond to the following questions to inform this section and wrap up your paper: 

What are some key insights and takeaways from the audit? 
Based on the audit, what opportunities exist for your client? What challenges do they need to be aware of and surmount? 
What is your social media recommendation for your client based on the key insights and takeaways from the audit?

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